
You knew there had to be at least one...

POST TAKEN FROMprivate multiply account

So a few weeks ago I stumbled upon this photo and told Jade and Ron about it the next day, but even they found it hard to imagine.  They tried to and a weird expression was on there face, it seemed like a horrible thought was in their minds...

So here it is for all to see.  Weird?  Oh well, should I say enjoy? 

Who says only whites can go emo? x)
A bit of everything, for every race...
That's life~


RED Mobile huh?

POST TAKEN FROMprivate multiply account 

So a competitor to SUN Cellular Network has finally risen huh?  About time! Haha! What better way to get rid of the excess users than have them transfer to other networks, I am speaking as a user of the said network.  Pretty soon the cell users' population will be well distributed.  :)

I think the RED Mobile will be crowded at first.  The SIM that only costs 39php, it's new, has a cool name, and it's under smart.  Smart having better signal, covering a wider range of area, we probably can expect about the same performance on signal for this new network.

The weird part though that I don't get is why they made it to only fit 3G phones?  Tsk tsk.  So those without 3G phones will not be able to avail of there services.  Anyhoo, as for me, I think I'd like to give this network a try. :)  

Plus, Elwin just text messaged me about it.  He said that we should try switching to RED Mobile. :D  That's why I got into browsing about it in the first place.  Prior to him mentioning it to ne, I didn't hear a word about it. haha! 

We cellphone users now have a lot of options to choose from:
Globe,  Touch Mobile, Smart, Talk & Text, Addict Mobile (is this a network? not sure.),  any other networks I fogot to mention?  And the new entrant to compete with the existing networks (most especially with the SUN Network) --- the new RED Mobile!  

Here's what I got off the internet while I was browsing:

Red Mobile website officially launched

The new Red Mobile website has been launched and we finally have the details of the service.
Based on initial impressions, the Red Mobile service looks like it’s aimed to compete with Sun Cellular.
Some key offerings below:
  • Php0.50 per minute call rate between Red Mobile to Red Mobile SIM.
  • SIM card is sold at Php39 each. Each SIM is pre-loaded with Php10 or an equivalent of 20 minutes of RM-RM calls.
  • 3G browsing rates is P7.50 for every 15 mins or an equivalent Php30 per hour.
  • Php10 minimum load denomination.
Red Mobile SIM must be used with a 3G capable handset. Likewise, service is limited to areas where there are 3G signals. This is because CURE has an NTC license for a 3G band so they cannot operate outside of their frequency.
This will cover all cities in the country as well as major regions. It might not work if you’re in a far-away island or in mountainous regions. You will have to consult Red Mobile support for availability of their service.
Disclosure: Red Mobile is an advertiser on this blog and several other blogs I author.

Source: http://www.pinoyblogosphere.com/2008/11/23/prediction-on-red-mobile/


Liking Somone

POST TAKEN FROMprivate multiply account 

thoughts for your thoughts...

When one likes someone, does the other person (the person you like) have the 
right to know?
Is the right for the person being crushed on existent at all?

If only we go back to being children, in the sense that we are 
Each of us freely saying and showing to others what and how we 
truly feel.
It is sad how a crush only 
remains as a crush, it will indeed be heart-crushing.
There are those who love, love even when the love they give is not reciprocated.
Not because the other does not love at all, simply because 
they are unaware,
or perhaps you are just 
not too obvious with how you feel.

To the crushee, this "hidden agenda" of yours may go unnoticed, or it may even be just annoying to them.
You may act in certain ways that doesn't makes sense to the crushee since they do not know how the
crusher is feeling.

There is a sad reality in this whole "Crush" thing that usually goes unnoticed.
There are those crushes that will 
always stay in your heart, engraved, and forever unmoved.
The crusher is left with wondering 
what could have been, if only.  Yes, if only.
And to the crushee, all these will make no sense, all these makes no difference.
Maybe the crushee has no idea at all what it was about the crusher, him/her acting the way he/she did.
Or maybe the crushee too, 
will forever wonder what might have happened if only the truth was told.
Maybe he/she (most likely she) was just waiting... 
waiting for something to be said.
Would it have been the two them together?  Would it have been that they'll be in a wonderful relationship?
Yes, because what if 
the crushee is also crushing on the crush!
omG! What have you guys done?!!

Leaving things in silence, unspoken, unmoved, and left behind.
All that's left for both of you is to wonder.
Wondering is all you'll have, and sadly, maybe even some regret.
This "wondering" might haunt you up to the day that you are with another,
maybe up to when you are married and with kids already.
You will just wonder.
Could it have been the crushee just needed someone to help him/her realize?
Could it have been the crusher and the crushee together?
Could it have been them if only one of them would have said something sooner? 

We can only wonder.  No one can really tell...

Oh well, that's life~