fourth year is almost over.... weeh~ praise the Lord we made it this far!!! i pray that no one from our batch will be left behind and that all of us will be able to walk down the audi aisle...
ahaha... too bad we aint wearing togas..
i ddnt get to wear one when we had our grade 6 'recognition' day too... they said only highschools get to... because of our 'simplicity and joy' value.. things happen... >.< but anyways... waht's important is we get highschool over with... surew it's uncertain ahead... but i know the Lord is with meeh and i trust that in whatever comes His grace will be sufficient... even more than enough...
BYF "obedience is better than sacrifice."
-> 1 samuel 13 and 15
... clarice went with meeh...
my prayer group prayed for 6 of my classmates to be able to graduate with us... i had a hard time with somethings and i was weak so i cried... but it was okay in the end because i submitted it to the Lord...
E4J ate jaja spoke/testified
-my sister and clarice went... 
-> John 21:15
*it aint enough to say we love God.. we should feed His sheep
*trust in God, lean not in yoor own understanding
*the Lord wants to help us and we should let Him... before we tire ourselves
doing things on our own... we become so tired to worship Him...
*God knows what He's doing... TRUST HIM!
*God is ways is always better...
*don't worry God is in charge
-> Mark 6
*God will never let yooh go
*do not let things of the world consume us
... and yesh, those who resisted finally gave in... but still there were those who were hesistant... and shy... but in God's time i trust they'll be brave enough... but until then we continue to pray for them...
.... after that Nathan and jon.noj wanted to go to KFC so we ate there after we sorta got lost... xD
i was finally able to wake up on time with my alarm for jogging... wen i found out it was raining... ahaha.. i dunno if i cald prnz or if she cald meeh but we decided to cancel it... ah~ more shleep for meeh... i woke up almost lunch tym and then after had lunch... showered.. such a shame kristyl had to pick meeh up in my house since i cant walk alone going to prnz's house... twas kind of her... there we waited for prnz classmates to get there things... anney, chiqui, kinkin arrived and we viewed the sportfest wedding pics...
later ahia charles called and we were worried he was mad but turns out he wasnt... chiqui, anney, kinkin rode the taxi and tyl, prnz, and i rode the jeepney.. LoL!! after we finally got there and signed pastor's card and planned out the "surprise"...
we were finally at BCS for BYF college... clarice went with us again... praise the Lord!
... pastor however wasn't surpirise...
bt that's oki... he saw ahia charles's effort and appreciated it...

->Philippians 1:21 "To live is Christ, to die is gain."
*we live for Christ
*we are to live like Christ
*when we die it is a gain cause we will not suffer anymore, not sin, and we will meet
Chrits and be in His loving presence
*when we die we get the reward, eternal life... but in serving the Lord... being able to
serve Him and plaese Him, that in itself is a reward... 
-> Philippians 3:12-14
*the past is past... learn from the bad ones and get encouragement from the
good ones
*there is no stagnant Christianity.. if yooh are not growing yooh are backsliding...
we reached my house... anney, prinz, kinkin, chiqui [by the way she had a new haircut] went down wid meeh... we were goofing off in my room... my cuz and sis using d comp... ahaha.. twas fun though... no comp, no tV.. just us, pillows, cameras, and Christian music... i found out that the artwork bag i wanted to buy but i ran out of, twas chiqui who bought the last one... it was spoz to be mine.. xD nyways.. we had dinner and tokd a lot after we were the only ones left... later we went back up and goofed around some more... and then later we decided to walk and get ourselves fruitella crazy... nd i wanted to have ice cream since twas my last day of sweets... jon.noj told meeh not to eat sweets nah... xD for 60 days! since i overdose myself with them choklits... so off we went to joBido... we sat there from round 8.30 or 9.00 toked about random stuff... the past... how mean we were and how God changed us... our past crushes... secrets... the youth today.. and the youth in the future... how our husband [exclude kinkin in this one] myt luk lyk.. how r kids will be and stuff... we ddnt notice it was 10.30 so we started walking home.. we couldnt contact anney's car so we rode a taxi to her house... her ama wasnt there by God's grace abd the parents of chiqui and prnz's sister werent txting them yet... twas really God's blessing.. He even gave us more tym together since lermis went to our house thinkin we were there.. xD so yea.. later i found out where chiqui lived... and we all went home...
weeH~!! thank yooh Lord we [prnz, anney, my sis, nd i] were able to attend sunday school... twas fun... although we were kinda late... [sreeh i woke up late] twas fun.. and yeah they ate at kfC.. after we wer off to BcS.. bt anney ddnt go wd us
nyways... my sis and baby girl attended sunday school again there and we were just there at the fellowship hall with ahia charles since we were too late to attend the church service.. went to ayala with fameehly cuz and kinkin... got a new sun sim.... later met up wd prnz and luy... after went wd mum to sM... sat there and waited at the parlor as she did her thing.... went home tired with lotsa work.... and jst found out i lost my term
but i know i'll find it... i prayed for it
must be in skul...
main thoughts of the day: i wish i grew up lyk the kids at sunday skul... learning wd peers and enjoying church... really learning and growing wyl having fun rather than just being there... not feeling lyk yooh dunt belong... and the some concepts [to kids] can't be grasped yet coz they are not at that age yet... i use to... attend bradford and had sunday skul.. i thought i studied there but dad said it was sunday skul... but i dunno why and how that ended... and my sister wasnt able to experience it [til now, barely] and i also barely had memories of it... but i remembered it was fun... and each sunday was a day i used to look forward to... but now to meeh and anney.. saturday is sabbath day...
sreeh if this one's too long... f anyone is reading... xD
God bless!!!
praise the Lord forever!!
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