hahai. rily worried bout our histo cultural mapping na jud. and there’s only so much i can do cause d ku allowed mu adto toledo. huhuhu.
rily feel d pressure from my teacher, goupmates, and myself. knowing that i’m not spending summer here… i cant afford to fail a subject jud. huhuuhu. Lord help! goodness. ahaha! stressed na kaau ku. sa subraan ka worry, d naku ka lihuk ushay.. cgeh lang worry and worry nlng kutob. ahaha. as much as i would lyk to get a move on the project, i CANT! i have no information, surveys, and blah to compile and stuff. huhuhu. i hope we make it.
ds is so bad. kinda weird sa first years gihatag. i mean, LIMITED freedom jud compared to higher years. b4, my cousin said they had their cultural mapping pag 4th year daw. hahai. hope we’l be able to finiah in less than two weeks. God bless to us! xp
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