


I've gone through a lot of different online names and aliases, but "themisfit" is one that just popped out of nowhere while I was signing up for a new blogspot account. Totally unthought of before this blog entry.


So why "THEMISFIT "?

I am one that had a tad trouble "fitting in", just a tad. The trouble was not as disturbing or dramatic enough for me to go sulk myself in regret, angst, and bitterness. It was a tolerable trouble. But then I thought, why try fitting in right? I'm "THEMISFIT", fitting in is NOT my thing.


So I've decided being THEMISFIT fits me best. It in fact annoys me if I seem to accord other's style or thing. I don't like it when people go "Hey, your style is like ---", don't even bother finishing that sentence. My style, my thing, is MINE. Whether it fits in or accords, I'll (try to) not mind, if it misfits- ALL THE BETTER.

On the Web

So as I try to embrace this new blogspot account, I hope the blogs I make will amount to a substantial number. In blogging, I admit I'm a nomad. I go from blog place to blog place leaving my trails from one account to another. Blogging must be a misfit for me, but let's hope I've found the perfect place for me not to fit in, my own place of zen, my misfit haven.

theMISFIT/ misfit word count: 8

an annoyingly tolerable amount eh?

trivia: it's my favorite number too.

- themisfit

"don't bother fitting in"