
First Day, First Sem 09-10

So I slept like uber late (a little over 5 am I think). I was up Twittering! LOL. Went and followed some celebrities and bloggers as well. Looking into learning something from them from time to time and getting hot topics to blog about from the celebs. I also am following Brandi Cyrus' blog now. She's a Christian too.

I lazily got out of bed and showered. Drove mom to her office, but we stopped by the bank first. I was early, I chose to be to saved on gas. Bad enough that I only have 1 class a day, all up to Saturday, such a waste of gas. Jeepney would be appropriate, but as most of my friends know, my parents won't allow that. After hanging out a bit behind my mom's desk, I decided to go to school early.

Today's first day outfit was:

Harvard Tee, straight cut jeans, pimples, and a goofy smile.

As I was approaching the school, seeing the outside filled with a lot of college students (and some in uniform), it was so much different from the empty school we've been going during summer and enrollment days. The new guard by the middle gate is friendlier than the old guard, we exchanged smiles as I entered the campus and he checks my ID and car baggage.

I was walking towards the new building, from the outside I could see how packed it was, students loitering here and there, long lines for admission, and freshmen who seem to be lost. I remember how intimidating my 1st year of college was. *cringe*

I went up the new place for all CS-IT-ICT-ACT students, the fourth floor Engineering building. Passed by the ramp and got an early morning exercise somehow, also "danced" with a guy for about 5 seconds- that was awkward. Up the fourth floor I met with Choodur, Sasis, and Manny. We sat for a while after that we decided to go to the SMED building to check on the dissolved subjects. And yet it was another exercise. Why did they have to place our department all the way up there? Even if it's temporary, it's such a hassle. But who am I to complain right? On the way there, the 1st girl friend I saw was Charina. Finally a girl with a familiar face.

We arrived at the department, and staff was not helpful at all. I wanted to enroll in German or French class but the scheds posted up were 06:30-07:30pm. I went in to ask for new open scheds on those subjects since it was adjustment week after all, and the scheds are probably shared and open already (open market). I asked and she said the scheds are as posted, if I wanted a different sched I'd have to go to the Language department at the Main Campus and have them open or share the sched. What a hassle! Obviously she doesn't want to help me. I mean there was a phone on her desk, can't she just pick it up and call them up? Unhappy with her reply to my query, I left the room. I checked the time, it was 9:40am. I was late for my 9:30am class IT126. I told Choodur and Manny we should head back, Sasis stayed behind with his girlfriend Josie.

Room LB485TC- the men's comfort room?! The last room was LB484TC and next to it was the men's comfort room. Weird. We went around the whole floor in search for the non-existent room. We even asked some school personnel, they had no idea either. Luckily we found a group of people (most from the lower year) hovering around a guy. He had the attendance sheet for our class! Attendance checked and nothing left to do in school, well except claim my admission. Line was very very very long, Noj was there and I talked to him for a bit. I decided I'd get my admission slip some other time. It was also getting hotter because it was very crowded.

I went looking for the Datalogics booth, it seemed so abandoned and was hiding behind all the other booths. Sad. Drove Manny and Choodur up to the CAFA building and then I was off to meet with Elwin at Cmall.

Matia's time! Ordered 8 pork barbecue and 1 chorizo, 7 puso. 2 barbecues we didn't finished and had doggy-packed. Added extra 10 barbecue for dad and Dereli at home, but turns out the already ate. Dropped off 4 barbecue for mom too before I headed home.

My Date: The hungry one. LOL.

Puso. Rice wrapped in Coconut leaf (am I right? =/)

Yum Yum Yum. My Favorite Barbecues!

I feel like I spent most of the day driving. Check out the damage driving has done to my shoes:

Huhu. This was from my fam's last trip to US. Pasalubong <3

I got home and look who was waiting for me (as always):

Miguel | Miggy | Miggers | Migerito

Isn't that some sweet loving? :)

Turned on my laptop to get a bit of work done, Twittered and then took a nap (at least I planned for it to be a nap). Slept with Miggers. :)

My yaya woke me up, and I asked her "Nganung imu man ko gipukaw?" (translated: "Why are you waking me up?") I thought it was time for snacks but NO! She said it was dinner time. I was asleep from around 3 to past 7pm. Wow. But that's not a real shocked though, to those who know me long enough. I'm a heavy sleeper.

That was my day... how was yours?

Credits: Jade | Jid | Bai | Ungas (typo checker) LOL.

"forced to fit in a crowded place. sad."



Message Sent

The Message I Sent beloved Chippy.

Sorry took a while to upload. :) Had dinner.

Chipstar! Here is the photo of the massage "invite" I sent from my sent items. I wish you were there! Been how many months already since I last saw you my love! LOL. XD

School starts tomorrow, all the more busier we'll all be. I want to take non-academic classes though. Taekwando like Holly, or Caro and Marie baking on Saturdays, or even gym. Chip, anyone, want to come with? Haha! Hit me back if you want to take non-academic lessons with me.

looking for a buddy to go with...

Not so Good.

Today wasn't such a good Sunday for me and my family.

On the way to Church, I noticed that there weren't a lot of people out on the streets, yes it was raining, but what about the other cars? Where'd they go? So we arrived at the Church late (nothing really unusual about that) and it was packed since, as I mentioned, it was raining. I didn't want to go for a communion, but mom pulled me as the line was getting longer. She assumed I wanted to go.

I'm nineteen now, still not a baptized Protestant, but no matter, so long as everyone knows I'm a Christian. Religion isn't as important as your intimacy and true relationship with Christ. But I just don't like people to assume I'm Catholic. I have nothing against Catholics in general, I just don't like the idea of praying to other Saints and Mary.

Still rainy, we went to Ayala Mall as usual. We each had our choice of Sizzling dish. After that I went to buy Strepsils for my oh-so-annoying and horrible sounding cough. I've been scolded for force-coughing. Can't be helped at times, it's just so itchy (my throat I mean).

My first time buying Strepsils. LOL.

After that we went to Metro to go buy Holly and Dad's stuff. I was able to buy some cute stickers! :) Yey! Then we went to the furniture place, I promised Holly I'd buy her a study table. We ended up not getting it since it was the last stock, displayed, and not in such a good condition. We'll wait for new stocks to come in. I don't want to elaborate that part further, let's skip that.

After Mom and Dad did groceries, they caught up with us (Thunder, Holly, and I) at the Metro Cafe. We went to get free coffee at Coffe Dream, Mom had coupons from work. We drank it at Metro Cafe since we bought food and stuff there. Ciabatta and chicken tenders, also Silvanas (there's wasn't good, 19php) and brownies. And then we were home bound.

It's a lazy day today, the rain probably influenced our mood (Or just mine to say the least).

Image by Mark A. Hicks, illustrator

Tomorrow school starts. It was supposed to start last week (June 08) but for those in Colleges and Universities, they had it moved due to AH1N1 (aka Swine Flu). My sister was bummed out about that, their classes started last week as originally planned.

I wonder how this semester will be? A lot of new things are a given even before the start of classes:

  • Lesser subjects (Due to the whole pre-requisite thing, I'm enrolled to only 1 subject a day! Monday-Saturday)
  • No more Nardo and Pinkeeh.
  • IT26 and DB1 and IT32 in 1 semester (heavy subjects)
  • New course just opened, BS-ICT (Information and Computer Tech)
  • Goodbye AS Building, I will miss you.
  • Relocation of CS-IT-ACT-ICT students.

And a lot more we are yet to find out. We who are left behind have said goodbye to a lot of familiar faces, sad really. I'm studying all I can but the fact as of the moment is: I won't be able to graduate. Boo!

It ends here for now. I feel that I'm lost- new building, new crowd, unusual academic schedule, and a lot more new things to find out about.

Feeling: indifferent and maybe a bit sad (with a pinch of sentimental emotion)

Trying to cope with the changes...

- themisfit


Night Life

So last night when I thought I wasn't going out, I did. It was a rainy night so I drove slower than the usual speed since I couldn't see clearly.

We ate at a local barbecue place, my favorite- MATIA'S. So I had 6 barbecues and 3 puso (rice wrapped in coconut leaf). Not the usual 1 puso- 1 barbecue that I'm used to. Barbecue probably tasted extra yummy that night to my taste buds. :)

We then went off to PIERE ONE, IT Park place for the "night life" hang. I enjoyed the band and the occasional volunteer singers from the audience. Disco night went in my mind again, still want to try out disco with friends.

Spotted Michael and Luigi that night by Figgaro by the way, Weird.

Everyone has rounds of beer except for - the misfit. Haha! Guess what the loser had. Coffee. Yes, I had a 34php worth of coffee while all the rest had 4 pitchers of whatever alcoholic drink it was. I had my tongue dip in the drink- couldn't taste it. I had a little sip- ICCK! I hurriedly asked for candy.

Me with my 34php coffee.

Their choice of drink for the night.

Haven't been out with these two in a long while.

I don't get why they pay so much for a drink that tastes so awful. But then again, that's just me. Also, there were a lot of smokers that night that got me coughing a lot. Smokers even inside the resto. We chose to stay out so that the music wouldn't be too loud for us to talk. :)

The band played our first two song request, one of which was September by Earth Wind and Fire. The last one was She Bangs by Ricky Martin. They didn't play that, I guess they knew the song was a joke. Haha.

* Luy *
* Shtan *
* Prnz *
* Janelle *
* Elwin *
* meeh *
* Khaiyl pinkeeh *
* and later Noj followed *

Fun times last night. Glad we had that one last night out before classes start. I was home around past 1am. Elwin rode with me home and then he took cab to his place. And it was all laptop for me until I was too tired and ready for bed.

- themisfit

"sometimes it's just better not to join in"

Strike a pose with a drink.

Group photo before my cam ran out of Batt. Boo!




I've gone through a lot of different online names and aliases, but "themisfit" is one that just popped out of nowhere while I was signing up for a new blogspot account. Totally unthought of before this blog entry.


So why "THEMISFIT "?

I am one that had a tad trouble "fitting in", just a tad. The trouble was not as disturbing or dramatic enough for me to go sulk myself in regret, angst, and bitterness. It was a tolerable trouble. But then I thought, why try fitting in right? I'm "THEMISFIT", fitting in is NOT my thing.


So I've decided being THEMISFIT fits me best. It in fact annoys me if I seem to accord other's style or thing. I don't like it when people go "Hey, your style is like ---", don't even bother finishing that sentence. My style, my thing, is MINE. Whether it fits in or accords, I'll (try to) not mind, if it misfits- ALL THE BETTER.

On the Web

So as I try to embrace this new blogspot account, I hope the blogs I make will amount to a substantial number. In blogging, I admit I'm a nomad. I go from blog place to blog place leaving my trails from one account to another. Blogging must be a misfit for me, but let's hope I've found the perfect place for me not to fit in, my own place of zen, my misfit haven.

theMISFIT/ misfit word count: 8

an annoyingly tolerable amount eh?

trivia: it's my favorite number too.

- themisfit

"don't bother fitting in"