i woke up 8.30 but kept snoozin the alarm coz wen i woke up the aircon was still on and twas still so cold... and plus agen i slept late... xD so yea, the 9.30 practice... i missed it becoz i ddnt get to wake up agen wen i kept snoozin the alarm...
woke up agen wen dad came round 10 and he only had tym to pick meeh up and bring meeh there coz he had work.. i wasnt dressed and ready.. ddnt even shower yet so i ddnt go... apologized... felt bad
and went back to shleep LoL! 
woke up 11 coz i txtd anney to give meeh a wake up call and i did! [tenks anney!]
i showerd and prepared... i waited for dad to arrive before i had my lunch... brushed my teeth and we were off to anney's...
we found our taxi with some minor accident nearby 
we arrived at anney's... i told the person who opened the door i was lookin for anne... seems to meeh he ddnt knw any anne so i tried the name arianne and bingo! he went to call anney... anney went out and greeted meeh and my dad... turns out her cuz em-em could'nt cme with us to our drivin lessons.. my dad had a look on his face and he said we shud try our other friends... anney sed if no one else then we'll take her maid... so off my dad went and we went in.. i sat there as anney had her lunch... we wer thinkin of who to bring with us for drivin lesson
my mum and dad preffered a guy [for protection i think] but honestly i can very well take care of myself and anney as well.. ahaha
well there was no one.. anney's maid couldn't coz she had to cook.. her cuz em-em had to go smewer.. davey left.. her other girl cuz was gna go out too... jush cant coz he ddnt even go yesterday... jereeh in mandaue, same with emmie and shtan... prnz not allowed... jon noj cud bt he had no transpo... we thought of timmy but i was thinkin twice if i shud ask him or not coz i know he just arrived from his trip.. but i did anyways... he said he'd ask his parents first... we hung out at anney's rum wyl waiting until 'annie' her sister/atsie arrived... ehehe... dey lukd so lingaw wen she askd anney to teach her to burn a cd... timmy txtd nd he was allowed... we wer relieved.. *phew* ahaha
tenks timmy... so the instructor arrived with the car [duH!] and we started.. we wer to pik timmy up @ jobido! weeH~
i drove from anney's house to SRP... it wasnt such a smooth drive at first.. d car wud suddenly turn off coz of my sudden release of the clutch
but i was gettin d hang of it.. i switched wd anney wen we got there *phew* i can rest.. weeH~ i chatted wd timmy wyl restin at the backseat... den twas my turn agen... wd switch every hour.. we had two hours each to drive...
i brought us back to cebooh... to ayala coz we wer gna be dropped der... so yea, we wer there... and i tried parallel parking >.< after that twas anney's turn agen... anney drove us by the entertainment center... we sed our goodbyes and tenkyoohs to our funny instructor Lito... ahaha... 
in yala we canvassed computer monitors for anney's mum.. after that we ate in kFc... timmy was gna bangka jonie's and later dunkin but we ddnt allow that coz we bothered him, he did us a favor, hw will bangka pa jud?! ahaha
so yea after kfc we wer on d way to natio to buy my index cards for term.. on d way we saw titser byro0n and so he went with us.. in natio i saw jaclyn wd her friends [liz, kenneth, ronnie]... after off we went to timmy's errand.. some medicine but it wasnt available.. so it was tym for ice cream!
we first went in to jobido but twas crowded nd timmy wanted mcdo so we went to transfer to mcdo... meeh and anney got cone twirls [dts wat dey call it in jobido dunno in mcdo] wyl titser nd timmy got mcflurries :D ahaha.. i just ordered it and i ddnt knw titser had colds.. bt he lykd it nyways... he said twas his first mcflurry... xp twas all good i gez.. twas tym t head home coz anney had to pack for fameehly awting... so we sed buhbye to titser nd went wid timmy.. we wer gna ryd jeepney bt seemed lyk twud take a lot of our tym [timmy sed 7pm, ts hard to ryd jeepney].. we decided to get a taxi... timmy paid for it coz he wouldnt accept any money.. twas sad coz lyk i sed he did us a favor nd went wd us... nd he just came from a trip, he needed his rest... nyways tenks timmy! >.< he's so kind ui!
i reached home and used d comp for awyl but decided to lay down nd maybe get some shleep... i slept.. woke up nd watch tv.. i saw a bit of pinoy big bro den maalaala.. twas a bit scary so dts y sis s shleepin in my rum now... i chatted wd monica, ja-mes, and my old cherish [ccs] friend rachelle... boy i miss that girl! xD got dC... later i got hungry... went down to microwave two eggs.. sis got some salt for her oranges... nd so yea we ate... ahaha..
i'm shleepeeh now but wanted to blog... have to brush my teeth pah... sreeh if my blogs are long [as if someone reads it]... it's for mainly for meeh to read and remember.. xp so yea.. it's LONG! xD off to bed now... 3.10am
God bless! 
"but honestly I can very well take care of myself and anney as well.."???? ikaw? phooe. =p
ReplyDelete"and i tried parallel parking" mao ba? hahah kuyawa ANGelina Jolie oh!!! wew
chat2 diay mu rachelle sa una? hehe
dugaya tig toog ei. alas tres mn. =|
Yooh read the whole thing? I didn't even bother. haha. Kapui. Did I mention Rachelle up there? There was a time we did chat. :p And yes, I looked out for Anney when she first arrived sa USC. :p my friends helped of course. HAHA.
ReplyDeletedi mn gae mu si Johnny Depp sa iyang movies! preha ramo. di pod ni nimu basahon =p yep, y mentioned Rachelle. haha
ReplyDeletehaha. I do not like to really read man with the way I used to blog :p but that's how it was. haha.
ReplyDeletecoz yer awesome! =p
ReplyDeleteif yooh say so. HAHA.