i missed sandeeh's birthday party today... well... i woke up this morning... couple of tyms coz kept snoozing the alarm...
i firgured since i slept around 1, which is earlier than usual, i should wake up earlier than usual to... so i set up my fne to alarm at round 9.15... ahaha... bt everytym i wake up... it's so cold... nd ts so nyc to cuddle in pillows... hihihi... after that we had lunch... my sis was dressed up already to meet up wd her friends at round 2 pm... nd my mum was tellin us bout how we prepare so early for our laags bt so late for church... but really... i prepare late even for laag... ahaha nd yeah... my mum also helps a lot in our delay for church... ahaha...
not that we don't... .coz we also do... the only person who is on tym is my dad... ahaha... speakin of my dad.. he asked if i remembered talking to him awhile ago and i said no, i nly remembered my yaya tokin to meeh askin meeh if i had smewhere to go since my fne alarmed... nd my dad was lyk i'm lyk his bro ruel hu sets up an alarm...
but it was my dad who'd wake up fron the other rum... nd then he'd go to his brother's rum nd wake him up... ahaha nd he went about how his daughters [my sis and i] got traits from our uncle... lyk meeh bein such a shleepy haed nd a computer 'addict' [or so he calls meeh dat] nd my sis bein so into goin awt with friends, socializing, bein into branded thingers, rubbershoes, and stuff... ahahaa... 
after lunch i turned on the tV bt i still ddnt turn off the air-condition.. so yea.... i fell back to shleep... i set my alarm to 5 o'clock so i cud prepare for sandeeh's burdeeh parteeh... ahaha i think i snoozed it once or twice... so yeah, i got up nd took a shower... after that... i was really conpushed... in the end i ddnt go... my sister was already out nd her friend brought her home... my mum was tired from fixing my sister's rum nd my dad lukd tired too... nd he has some rashes or some kind... he even went to see a doctor yesterday for check.up.... i hope sandeeh aint mad... well.. i bet she ddnt even notice i wasnt there... i just wished she had loads of fun... i'm sure she did too... wel i was also worried i'd be out of place so i ddnt go... coz we have different circle of friends nd my friends were'nt invited.. i gez i was since i was her ex-seatmate nd i occasionally group with them during groupings... well... i just hope she won't be mad and that she'll forgive meeh... God bless her even more!! nd i hope she got waht she wanted today nd more... good health to her... tenkyooh sandz! 
i honestly feel bad for not going... but i just felt i should stay... nd plus with my parents bein tired and all... but still, i wonder waht would've happened if i went...
anyways... i chatted wd some ppl nd i amazingly did my physics assignment which i will have to continue after this... ahahaa... 
...by the way, i noticed the tym of my blog.. yooh know the tym it shows wen i posted the blog, it aint ryt... ahaha... 
God bless everyone...
the Lord is good... He showers us with grace everyday.. woohoo~
ooh.. to sandeeh.. a song...
happeeh birthday to yooh!!
happy birthday to yooh!!! happy birthday...
happy birthday...
happy birthday to yooh!!! 
hapeeh burdeeh sandeeh!!! 
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