i woke up wd anney, chiqui, and kenneth in my house... i asked them to eat in my place then we'd go to e4j together... so they were my rum.... it was nyc to know they just went in and felt at home... anney knows i'd lyk that since we're close and all... so yea, they went to you tube and watched the two chinese dude's backstreet boys video... they were really funny nd in a natural way... LoL! we ate dinner after that we were off to e4j... my sis went wid us... woohoo~!! Janet was spoz to go bt she thought next week nlng wen there's byf... anney's mum to was spoz to go bt she was caught up with stuff in the parlor or smethin... anney then ended her fasting... her mum said she'd be there next week... but later we found out that there will be no e4j next friday coz sunday service will have their service on friday since sunday is sinulog... but there will be maranatha on friday... we guess her mum cud go there instead... 
the message today was kewl
... we watched a video of a 17-year old american boy... the important points that i was able to absorb was that why can't we be extreme with our love for Jesus? yooh see teens today doin extreme sports, extreme things lyk piercing and tattoos... but why not for God?? ahaha.. i totally i agreed to that.. another thing that has been there for a long tym bt i never realized was that muslims...
fast for 40 days and pray 5 times a day to allah... nd how come we christians cant do that for the Lord?? he said yes, it is nyc to give up bad or evil things for the Lord coz it is waht we're spoz to do.. but aint it 'extreme' or nyc if we gave up simple legitimate pleasures in lyf?? ahaha.. yeah it is..
he made a point... he also tokd bout stuff lyk fast and intercession... since we have the heart of Jesus... and since He is an intercessor nd we have His heart..
we too can be intercessors... aint that great? it was really nyc~ meeh, anney, and chique to i think... prayed for my sister... that she will be more intimate with God... hope she'll be... another thing i got from e4j today was that we christians have been quite for so long nd that it is tym to go and tell the people about God's word nd God's love... bein radical christians.. or smethin lyk it... ahaha... 
after that we went off to mcdo and had some food... kenneth paid for our food so i gave chique the 50 so that i would'nt feel so bad... ahaha it was also fun eatin fries nd ice cream wid friends nd just sittin there and tokin bout anythin... and anney also tokd bout how friends have no gender... i agree... just think bout it... ahaha... on the way home was fun too... deafening [ahaha jke] yet fun...
kenly's ritual of singing mushy songs on the way home happened... nd this tym he had a guest... kenneth.... ahahaha... karaoke concert.. i think that's waht they called it... oh well... gez til hir... i'll finish off my honey star nd go to bed soon after readin journey... LoL! 
[12.10 am... so i gez daty makes it 01/07/06??]
by the way... sandeeh's birthday!!! hapeeh burdeeh!!! God bless her!!
and oooh... still confused if i shud go to her parteeh... i think i'l be out of place nd all... and i dunno waht to give her
... oh well we'l just see...
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