

post taken from: http://pringles.tabulas.com/

[it really is april 25, 2006] 

    wohoo!  One of the few Sundays I looked forward to.  My cousin woke meeh up before my alarm went on.  I miscalled Princess to say that I was up already.  I took a shower and after I finished, Princess still didn't give meeh a ring.  I finally got a hold of her and found out she just woke up.  She wanted us to go ahead and fetch Chique but I said I would'nt go without her, it was too risky.  ahahaha.  She might end up shleeping and not going.  After she showered she gave us the go signal that we could go to her place already.  Thunder [my cousin] and I walked to Princess' place and then we took a cab to Chique's.  After Chique hopped in the cab, we were off to Maranatha Center for Sunday Service. 

     Praise the LOrd we were not late.  ahahaha.  It started off with some singing, praising the Lord and His ever so wonderous name!  After, we opened our  bible to some verses and the topic of the preacher was Fresh Anointing.  We were also anointed with oil.  

    After the service I got so afraid because dad said he'd fetch meeh.  I was scared  because they're most likely to be mad at meeh.  I wanted to cry but I held back my tears.  Kuya Nap noticed I was worried and he asked why.  He prayed for meeh together with Jim.   My dad arrived and Princess and Kristyl went with us, Thunder too.  Thank God it was okay.  They didn't get mad!  I texted Kuya Nap because he said I'd let him know how it went and I also thanked him for the prayer.  And ooh, Chique by the way rode a cab to SM where her family is.  
    I got a haircut.   I won't be letting my hair don nowadays.  I'll keep them tied since I don't really like it.  nyahaha.  After that Kristyl, Princess, and I went around.  We saw Shtanleeh's brothers and looked for him.  Later we found out that Luy was also in ayala. So we all went together.  Frances also went with us since she was alone because the Maranatha people were watching a movie that she already saw. 
   We sat at food choices for two hours I think.  I went crazeeh  again.  nyaaha.  We went to red ribbon, Frances and I had a spag.  mmm... We walked around and bumped into hia Jermy so he went with us too.  We went back up and the Maranatha people were out already.  Some pictures were taken and some hugs exchanged and then some goodbyes said.  I went with them Luy, Prnz, hia Jermy, and Shtan.  The Maranatha people were going to Waterfront Hotel for a Classical Concert, talk about cool huh?  We also spotted Ahia Mark [it was his birthday ] and achie Hazel, and later achie Julie.
   We left them Luy, Shtan, and hia Jermy to go meet up with daddy.  It was time to go home, or at least I thought it was.  It was Tiffany's birthday.  We were going to their place for dinner [mum, sis, and i] while the others [dad, thunder, jekjek, and prnz] headed home.
   I ate a lot.  I am a glutton.   That's bad and I'll try my best to change it.  ahahaha.

   Well, that was my SUNDAY.   It was fun I got to stroll with friends and learned something from church service.  Thank yooh Lord! 


Currently listening to: tV
Currently reading: mirror mirror [anney's book]
Currently watching: PBB teen edition and Star Movies with Matthe Perry nyahaha
Currently feeling: nothing really

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