this day started wen i woke up by myself... oki not by myself bt because of the phone ringing... it was princess' wake up call [tenks] den i sorta went back to shleep bt suddenly d alarms of d cellphones went on... ahaha
so i woke up finally.. faced d comp and turned it on... anney had called d nyt before askin meeh a favor to search nd print piano tabs for canon and minuet [dt ryt??] bt i remembered wen i turnd off the comp and laid down... so i resolved to do it in the mornin... i ddnt find the canon though nd der were two kinds of minuet so i printed both...
den i showered... d phones kept ringing and soon everyone [dad, meeh, sis] was annoyed... txtd wd anney dt i couldnt go der wd yaya coz i forgot d ader one is on vacation... so as i was bout to go down and check wd my dad after checkin if der were any jellos left.. anney came...
after two weeks?? of not seeing each other... ahaha..
yeah... the Lord provided transpo! tenkyooh! anney's driver was der coz turns out my dad wasnt home nymore... [he's such a busy man xD]
after anney picked meeh up... i felt so weird... her cousin em-em was der... and abloy too... we went to fooda for grocery... we needed to buy ingredients for mango pandan nd smethin for my sis... we met emmie there too.. there were no pandan leaves so we paid for the stuff we got nd some chips... we bought mangoes near caltex... after that we headed to fooda in mango... we saw the same guys from the fooda in guadalupe [the guys also noticed coz i heard dem tokin in tagalog]... we wer der and dey sed dey ddnt have nymore pandan leaves [wat was ds? a bad start to d day??
] but then they sed dey nly have the ones dt were'nt so fresh but it still wud serve its purpose... ate em checked it nd she sed twas oki.. so we bought two of it along wd ice cream [kofi krumble NOT kukis and krim LoL!] ... [ whew.. tenkyooh Lord!
off to anney's house we went.. emmie nd i wer dealin wd d mango nd anney nd ate em wd d pandan.. wd prnz on d fne coz she was bored... LoL!
we wer done wd d mangoes nd dey wer thru wd d pandan... we had to wait for d pandan to freeze so we went to anney's rum nd watched BLUE'S CLUES
yep, boy we enjoyed dt! [ryt Luy? xD LoL!]
Lunch tym.. anney's ama came... we blessed her to show respect of course.. nd we ate... anney was tellin her ama she shudnt eat lechon.. bt der was no tellin her ama... after stuffing ourselves, we excused ourselves and went in anney's rum agen.. we waited for d pandan to gelatinize... d waiting was over and we finishd our work... wyL we wer doin this.. anney's ama was furious wd d maid hu ddnt knw how to kuk or smethin... well nyways.. twas a fun stay but we had to hurry to princess' place coz jereeh was already der and der was lil tym to spend...
...on the way to princess' house we dropped by my house to drop off some stuff and some mango pandan for dad nd sis... dey also sorta visited my sis coz she was sick. so yea we hurried back nd to princess' house we were...
there we wer... and jereeh was just sittin der nd accross him was prnz.. so we prepared.. although we just had lunch i wanted to cook.. i had brought wd meeh corned beef [jalopeno..spicy mmm] nd tuna [flakes in oil].. i cooked d corned beef wd the help of jereeh who apparently kuks... after that was over we decided to let emmie deal with the tuna.. she microwaved it... after that we ate... den we had mango pandan..
we gave the 2 other guys hu was there too nd princess' helper and her mum... after that.. shtan, anney, and i wer washin the dishes wyL emmie and prnz prepared the DVD and ice cream...
too bad jereeh had to leave for a prayer meeting.. jush wasnt able to go and timmy is still in surigao and he'd be back nov. 3...
after all the chores... we watched 'corpse bride' wyl takin random pics of one another... ahaha
it was fun... we wer all crazeeh and stuff... after that we saw some scary parts of a movie.. shtan nd i wer scared.. although i screamed a lot.. i still think i'm braver den shtan coz he wouldn't really luk at the tv... anney's driver was waitin awtside.. a few mins later my sis was knokin on the door.. off i went...
to the cempark... it wasnt as crowded as before.. dad said we must've adopted western culture.. dey visit for awyl then leave.. filipinos before stay for hours.. sometyms even stay overnyt.. never tried that though... aahaha
after cempark... we went MATIA's! weeHOoo~ bBq rock dude!
ahaha.. i was once again stuffed... after that we had drive thru ice creams in jobido guadalupe.. dropped mum off nd picked up gas from the house... we went to guadalajara... dad dropd d gas der to some person and we passed by our old house... i miss dt place.. bt it was so so much different now.. dad saw and old neighbor and dey tokd for awyl nd dey sed how sad dey wer wen we left and how come dad dsnt visit dt often.. dt lady was nice... to give yooh an idea of wer i used to live... twas by nikko's house.. the american dudes james and michael.. and the tall francis huerte.. i remember i use to buy candies from there store.. and i recall some moments ridin wd nikko to skul... although i ddnt really know them xD LoL! well... dt was wer i use to live... bt soo diff now... oh well~ tym does change things... hope it doesnt change waht i have with my speacial christian friends... 
gez i'll end it der... coz all i did wen i got home were d usual...
chatted wd anney! :D
well.. it's 3.09.. gots practice tom.. i mean later 9.30 in beverly hills wd d whole class for english presentation.. buhbye! i end this hir...
God bless!