we moved the plan of hangin out at prinz's house to weD since tom wud be nov. 1 nd ppl will most lykly be with their famileeh and stuff...
since it was timmy who wanted to go out... we myt be goint out on the sat wen skul's back... nov 11.. i'll try to make it... coz we'l be havin classes in the mornin and gettin of cards in the afternun [this class day is payment for this fridays classed which was cancelled coz thurs was declared a holiday coz twas d end of ramadan.. so yea... ahaha i'm confusin whoever is readin so nvrmnd]
stiLL ddnt do my skul work... had d plan too...spent the rest of the day staring at the tV screen [wasnt really enjoyin it] and yeah shleepin.. next thing i knew twas tym for dinner....
chatted wd anney... malz.. sandz [she's back from vacation.. wB!].. rachel... angeli... yannie...
i gez that's all...
let's sing...
[belated actually since it's 1.58] ahahaha
God bless yooh even more and may yooh grow deeper in Him... hope yoor happy...
my back aches...
oh well~ off to beD i go...
be greetin some people later too...
sorry if this was long aneey... if yoor readin.. coz yooh sed yooh wuD.. LoL!
...i'm hungry again... better shleep.. anney will scold meeh.. xD
2:10am [zZz]