No one really had plans for today. I met with Mara and her friend Sarah at Cheaverz. I had to eat even if I didn't have the appetite for it, I knew I was hungry. We sat there a bit waiting for Fritz to arrive. I was supposedly going to work with my DB group mates but they weren't replying. After getting the attendance slip Mara needed from Fritz, we went inside the school to have it signed by a teacher. P.E. festival was over by 9am, we arrived at around 10:30am. Bummer.
After having their attendance slips signed, Mara and I waited for Elvis a bit, only to realize he wasn't coming anytime soon. Mara and I went to Rosedale where we last left Fritz. We had popsicles and just hung out there for to talk and just stare blankly into space (lol). Fritz was with his friends, off to their Dota adventures.
Mara and I finally decided to go off to Ayala. When we got there, we just walked around there going in and out of stores until our feet ached. We went to Foodchoices for some Thirsty's fruit salad and not long after that Elwin arrived. We headed home to drop off the car so that I wouldn't worry about bringing Holly home and all.
When we arrived at my place, Anne decided to just meet us here. It wasn't a long wait and Anne was here. We hung out in my room and watched F.R.I.E.N.D.S. (again). Elwin was able to nap for just a tiny bit and he tried to keep himself up to watch F.R.I.E.N.D.S. We then decided to just have dinner here. We called up Fritz and Elvis to come over for dinner. We waited for quite sometime before they arrived. When they arrived, Anne had already eaten since she had to leave for a 7pm appointment with Norman Go for his Jujitsu sessions at the Loft, 4th floor gym, which Anne will need to shoot soon. She needed to check them out for a pre-shoot slash observing thinger or something so she can come up with a concept.
So we had dinner when them Fritz and Elvis arrived. I was happy to see them eat a lot, especially Elwin and Fritz. Fritz was hesitant at first but after offering, he'd take the food and eat it. I'm sure yaya Violy loves looking at my friends enjoy her cooking, although we had barbecues bought as well.
Fritz was tired and asked if I knew how to drive manual, I forwarded the question to Mara and Mara told him that I very well knew how to drive manual since my car (dad's car) which I drive to school is very much manual, "pawis steering" as they joke about it. Surprisingly Fritz handed over his keys to me, I was going to drive his sister's Honda Civic- WOW! I was honestly conscious with my driving since it wasn't my car but it was very very nice driving it. :)
So we were at I.T. Park, Loft, and I'm glad we made it there safely. I kept asking them if my driving was okay, since I was conscious about it and all, and they said my driving was fine. Fritz even said I drove better then him but I don't know how true that is since I haven't experienced his driving yet.
4th floor gym- Jujitsu session was going on. As most of us didn't expect, Jujitsu was quite an aggressive sport that involved a lot of grappling. Norman was the head/ master, as Anne informed me. He invited us (or the guys we were with at least) to a trial session. Only Fritz gave it a go. It was funny to see him being squished and trying to get out of the awkward positions he'd get locked into. But I did admire his guts to try it out, maybe partly to impress someone or just because he was curious. Come to think about it, Mara did mention earlier that Fritz was a guy who'd try anything at least once. 1,000php per month and that will get you everyday session of Jujitsu, if I'm not mistaken; but I think Sundays are not included. If I'm not mistaken. Fritz was interested of joining in, he even asked Elvis and Elwin if they'd want to join as well.
Fritz trying out Jujitsu with Princeton and Norman
After Jujitsu, it took us a while to decided where to go off to next, we did Twenty-One and it was Elvis' pick. He picked Kopi Roti but maybe because Anne's family was there and it wouldn't be that comfortable, we decided Starbucks, Paseo Arcenas at Banawa.
I drove Fritz's Honda Civic once more and my passengers were Elwin and Elvis. Fritz drove Anne's Yaris and Anne had front seat and Mara was at the back seat. It was honestly weird to be driving Fritz's car once more, and this time without him- the owner (or brother of the owner). This was only our 3rd time to meet by the way, maybe trust came easily?
On the way there I had to make a quick stop at McDonald's Escario to use the restroom. Elwin bought regular fries in exchange for us making use of their restrooms. Elvis just waited in the car.
Paseo Arcenas. As we got down I saw Fritz, Mara, and Anne approaching. I ran to Fritz and told him that we took a while cause I bumped into a motorcycle. And as quickly as I gave away that joke, I took it right back. I saw how worried he really looked and it seemed like he was dizzy and about to faint or something. I apologize for the bad joke, but it was hard to resist.
Starbucks. We hung out there, talked, and had frappuccinos. We also took some photos. Carole also came, Mara went out to meet her. I knew Carole doesn't really like me, I don't know why but I wouldn't really care. She went there to convince Mara to go with them to Bantayan. But gladly Mara chose stayed with us, all the more reason for Carole to dislike me, but it's cool. We called it a night at around 10:30pm, almost 11pm I guess. Fritz, Mara, and Elvis went together. Elwin rode a taxi, I was worried since his mom asked him to head home at around 8pm but he still stayed. I rode with Anne and she brought me home. Thanks again Anne! :)
Group photo shot by me. :p
I wasn't still
An awkward D: && a Fritz who didn't follow instructions. Tsk.
Undying Mara pose
Group shot 'round the table.

Group Shots
Custom timer multi shot.
Thank you for this fun night. I'm glad to have met Mara's friends especially Chang, Elvis, and Fritz. They're fun to be with. But as to when I'll see them and Mara again, that'll be a question. :( Especially since Intrams is over. Hopefully soon, very soon.
"I hate this part right here"
PS: Today was when Nardo met his 3-month girlfriend from Leyte for the first time. He shared it wasn't awkward at all and they held hands and hugged. I'm happy for him. :)