… i feeL so tired… but it is too early for meeH to be shleeping… hahaiz… ders so so so much things to be done… but oh so lil tym for meeH to do dem… plus i dunt knw how pa jud to manage my tym honestly!!! xD waHk!
huhuhu… i feeL lyk cryin but i cant… soooo kapoi jud.. lotsa projects nd ass… nd have to catch up in trigo nd algeb (grr.. y’d i have to get sick?!)… plus ders the econ business proj… ders music pt ds mon nd we haven’t really practiced for it mga an hour or so lng… nd oh my!!! OH nO!!! next week sat. ts our quartely test nah in major subjects!!! here’s the annoying lil schedule that i wud lyk to share to yooh:
Oct. 1 (Sat) -> Economics
-> Physics
Oct. 3 (Mon)-> English
-> Algebra
-> Chinese
Oct. 4 (Tue)-> Trigonometry
-> CLF (Catholic Life Formation)
-> Filipino
…arrrggHH!!! i feeL so much pressure is on meeH… ahaha… but i knw some of it are my own doings… but others.. i dunno nah… hahaiz… i am soooo scared that i myt get a D… a failing mark in the card…
i ddnt even want a C but yeah~ have one nah in aLgeb.. an 83… not bad considering i was expecting a D becoz of my very very low score in the quaterly test… how will i survive? aaarrrgghh! xD i really wana cry nah… huhuhu… i wna die… ahaha but it’s all gna be good… i knw.. coz my Father is der looking over meeh… nd i have my friends who are praying for meeh.. nd of corz my fam too.. i just hope this feeling i have now will jst go away! i feel so useless.. ahaha…. i knw am not spoz to… gez ts jst one of those days…
i’m chattin wd friends as i blog.. nd i am slowly… smehow feeling better… tenkyooh Lord… i will cast my burden upon Him.. ders a verse for that… i’l find it nya… 
hhmmm.. on wd d aders things… uhm.. i went to byF knina…
nd hirs d verse we discussed on after playin a shrt game..
John10:27-30 "My sheep listen to voice; I know them, and they know me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand. I and the Father are one."
ponder on this will yooh? 
after byF was gna go to a parteeh.. bt since wala may klaru…
i ddnt go.. went wd my fameehly nlng nd we ate in yala den went home… ahaha…
hmmm… waht else? weLL… nuthin much.. bt cant wait to celebrate d burdeeh of our very dear friend anney~! smething to look forward to at least.. XD smethin bin lukin forward to since last sat nd it smehow helped meeh go through this week… nd mind yooh… this week was such a drag nd tiring ka.u… super! XD
i gez dts a rap… am gna chat a lil mre.. prepare for bed.. den do devotions.. nd shleep… hpe i can wake up early to make anney’s girt… tc yooh all! let’s keep prayin…
I LOVE YOOH LORD!!! *mwah…
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