ugh!!! aaarrrgghhh!! waht is it wd teachers today?? it’s lyk they gave us freedom last week (which i did enjoi) nd then now.. all of the sudden… all these deadlines… quizes… nd most of them unannounced… dey sed it was well not properly… imagine using friendster bulletin to announce assignments??! [tenks by the way to our beloved secretareeh jaye who showed concern by posting it but still others lyk meeh ddnt get to read it... although it aint yoor fault bt i knda blame the teachers for not announcin it themselves in class.. xD] nd in ym.. offlyn msg??!! waHk! [tenks to jacky to.. bt i ddnt quite understand that.. xD] oh well~ i guess again, this is my fault for not being so ‘into’ my studies or smething… nd i am sreeh for havin a lyf awtside skul!! ahaha.. kiddin… waHk!! i dunt understand my feeling no more… i am frustrated.. stressed awt.. sad.. . afraid nd scared [the test is ds sat!!!!] waHk!!
i will no longer wonder if i, or any classmate of myn, wil suddenly go insane… i mean c’mon! teachers… i beg yooh.. if yooh cud pls distribute the assignments.. not all at once.. xD in chinese too… we had quiz early ds morning which i wasnt really able to prepare myslef for [due to reasons i'd rather not mention...] nd we have another chi quiz tom… nd on thurs too… we also have HE props due tom.. i missed the trigo remedial for that… i missed the chance of joining the waht myt have bin the ‘key’ to open my mind to trigo! xD [sreeh if i sound drunk coz readin agen waht i wrote.. smethings sound wrong.. but at this point.. i dun really care.. as if smeone wud bother read this nd listen to all my ranting.. xD] anyways, ders also physics experiments… nd econ-physics project… physics proj… waHk! nd more! i wud fail to mention because of my inabilty to think ryt now… my brain is numb.. dead.. idle… yet i continue to rant… xD why??? yooh ans. meeh [f smeone s reading xD] i no longer want to think.. i no longer want to reason awt.. maybe later or in a day or two… but ryt now.. i just wna say [type] waht goes into my head.. i dunt care f it is grammatically incorrect.. xD ahaha… it is no longer my concern.. :p *bleeh*
waHk!! i heard smethin stunning today by the way.. earlier we had our music periodical nd we had to change to different [rather warm] clothes to suite the music… ahaha… it was soooo HOT!!! soooo WARM!!! xD waHk!! [waht's wrong wd d wrld?? yooh people r destrying it! the ozone layer.. greenhouse effect.. blah! xD] anyhow, my classmate said this stunning sentence… it went something lyk: "Lord!! why is it so hot?! we don’t deserve this!"… i am pretty sure wd d wrds "we don’t deserve this" coz it surely stunned/shocked/aghast/surprised/dismayed/appalled meeh… XD how cud she say we dunt deserve dt??
i mean we all deserve to die actually.. to burn in hell because of our sins… we are spoz to suffer… to be destroyed becoz of our sins… i have learned from Eric Ryan Co… my friend.. who wrote smething b4.. and the essence of waht he wrote jst stuck to my head… he said there that God created us… and we sin a lot… as we sin we hurt God… we, the creations He love, hurt Him a whole lot… we hurt Him more than enuf to give Him the reason to destroy us nd kill us all… He should kill us to stop the hurting ryt?? but He ddnt… see how great His love is for us?? truly is amazing.. He even sent His Son down with us.. He made His Son lyk us.. a human being… nd He took all the insults, the pain, the agony, the mocking form us.. His beloveds… can yooh imagine yoor girlfriend? yoor boyfriend? bestfriend? yoor mum or dad? sister or brother?? can yooh imagine them insulting yooh nd mocking yooh the way we did to Jesus?? it wud hurt so deeply ryt?? ahaha… i need not to ask yooh coz i know it does.. huhuhuhu… so sad.. but yooh know waht?? we shud be thankful our God is a loving and forgiving Father… 
here’s a verse i memorized from dvbs 2003 i think? xD uhm..
Ephesians 2:8-9 "For it is by grace yooh have been saved, through faith… and this not from yoorselves, it is the gift of God… not by works, so that no one can boast."
wow! such a be-a-u-tiful verse!! xD we have been saved by His grace!!! He did it all!! not us.. not by our works… He did it all…
so we can’t boast about this..
wow Lord!! tenkyooh so so much for the grace and the joy i’m feeling as of the moment..
weeeH~ ahaha…
oohhh… the past few days:
friday.. in byf…
we came late coz we went striaght to princess… we had the snax wd us pa jud! bang!! xD ahia charles said pastor was mad.. bt wen we arrived.. he seemed oki… oh yeah karla went too nd am sreeh if i wasnt really wd her coz i tot dem prnz r ‘clicking’ turns awt.. prnz went wd her coz la daw cya kuyug.. xD made meeh feel guilty! waHk!! nd uhm… yeah.. the verse John 10:27-30(?)
was the verse we discussed bout.. [typin this.. i think i blogged bout friday.. but then agen am sooo not sure.. wait i think i did.. oh well~]
saturday.. anney celebrates…
saturday we celebrated anney’s birthday (09/20/05) ahaha.. went very late lyk 4+ instead of lunch tym xD … twas sad nly meeh, jush, nd kenneth was able to go coz dem emmie nd shtan’s parent/s were mad.. nd uhm… timmy had a competition… jerry had no transpo… nd prnz ddnt go coz she had to ‘man’ xD to bantay der tindahan… xD oh well~ am glad i went coz anney sed i made her feel special… am glad she felt that….
sunday: i missed qpids grand finals! ggrr… xD i bought a thesaurus! weeh~ a clip board… a bu: Expanding yoor view.. seeing the world God’s way… produced by: youth with a mission..
[hope i rily read it] nd uhm.. yeah got soooo annoyed coz of personal reasons i’d rather not say…
ranting agen tuk away [smehow] my frustrations… ahaha
bt i myt get frustrated agen coz hafta studeeh chinese bontoy!! arrgh!! XD nyways… ciao!!
i gez dats a rap… :p
man ds loooooong. xD
buhbye~! God bless!
*shmyl… even if yooh feel lyk frownin… 
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