today is the day… weHoo~… i cELebrate my birthday… i see my oLd friends nd my cLassmates… and fameeHly too…
waHk! wat a daY this wud be…
ahahaha… started off bein late… we said 11 nd we left the house like round 10 mins to 11…. ahaha… we went to pick up danna nd den pasd by prnz house to fetch dt thingy her mum made 4 jush who had dengue…. kenneth nd anney ddnt go to my house wen dey wer spoz to… anney was stiLL shLeepin… waHk! wat was ds? a bad start? XD oh weLL~ so wen we reached sunburst (finally after the many delays) … the one by baraks… near ayala… dapit sa bridge… ahaha… it was funny because wen we got there… there was no one there… not later than 5 mins karLa came in… she sed she was arrived earlier bt was worried coz no one was der… xD
it took awyL b4 others started arrivin… i was kinda worried dt onLy a few wud b able to make it… buT enuf ppL came to sort of fiLL up the tables… xD although there were a Lot of VacAnt seats…
it was really hard for meeH.. i felt sorta stressed out nd i kept worryin… wat f deyr bored? wat f they think it was a bad party? wat if they thought that wasnt worth their taxi fare (for those who took taxi… :()
it was also hard to entertain all of them… they wouldn’t talk and it took awhile (nd some begging) b4 they started eating deR foOd… XD
weLL after i saw dem talking… although not really mingling… i felt better… ahaha… although i knew it wud have been easier if princess (who was sick) and anney (who was late bec of overshleepin) were there with meeH… ahaha…
aLthough there were those who ddnt make it… i’d say it was all good~ ahaha… although i’m not sure it was worth their tym… waHk! 
after aLL that, i finaLLy ate… ahaha… twas bout 1+ waHk! i was gna wait for anney… but she said she already ate… nd i was kinda hungry to… it was weird coz i ddnt eat much… XD
everyone started leavin… one by one they left nd said their ‘gudbyes’, ‘tenkkyus’, and der ‘happy birthdays’ XD pretty soon my fameeHly left… dey paid the bills nd left meeH sme money for any additionaL orders… XD finally anney arrived wen i was dne eating…. i was left with the following guest: jerry, shtanleeh, emmie, danna, jacLyn, rosa, fre-duh, anney…
we were then off to visit jush in the hospitaL… we walked goin to ayala… we took pictures under the bridge nd on the grassy areas by ayaLa (since we never really set our foots there.. ever!) XD we continued our journey into ayaLa… we were gna buy jush smethin bt we figured we’d buy smewhere nearby the hospital…
in ayaLa we bumped into tiF, ing, and [P] (for those who dunno, [P] is yves)… we tokd for awYL… then meeH and anney ran to the money changer because she needed her aussie dollars changed to pesos…. after we ran bak to where the others were waitng… kenneth nd emmie came from natio nd kenneth ddnt seem to have found waht he needed… we were now ready to leave…
as we were walkin towards d jeepney terminal.. i felt knda sad coz danna had to go smewer else… nd i remember she told meeH this myt be her last yr. hir since they’l be migrating to teXas… :’( i hugged her tyt nd then we sed our ‘goodbyes’
in the jeepney…
i think we got on 06H?? ahaha.. kinda forgot… it was sort of a bumpeeH ryd but it was fun… i kinda got a lil crazy laffin for reasons i forgot… XD the ladeeH beside meeH asked meeh where we studied before we got off the jeepney… i dunno why but i ans her and also gave her a shmyL.. 
off the jeepney…
we went off the jeepney and walked to ALA KING… ahaha anney bought jush chicken sopaz… meeh and anney also ate bananaz… meeH and emmie bought siopao for jush’s parents… emmie paid for it…
she tricked meeh! XD waHk~ so basically waht i brought was chicken frm sunburst… XD ahaha…
to room 624 (?)
we made are way to jush’s rum… his parents were der nd i timmY was too… (he ddnt make it to sunburst for reasons… again.. i forgot.. XD) soon jacKY nd d rest sed they had to go back to ayaLa… xD so i walked dem to the elevator… i saw jush’s parents der and had a very short conversation wd his mum… after i ran to d rum (i dunno y) xD
i got bak in d rum… soon shtanleeh, emmie, nd anney had to leave… dey sed deyd buy cake for prnz.. i sed i wanted to go wd dem but dey keep shuttin d door nd i culdnt open it.. XD i soon gave up.. admitted i was weak.. and just stayed behind… agen left wd d guys.. xD well it wasnt a problem since i was a ‘guy’ myseLf.. XD (no not in a gay way! eek!) they tokd bout stuff i ddnt know bout though.. ahaha.. i was oP bt dey were kind enuf to notice dt…
leaving nd off to princess’s…
soon we had to leave nd make are way to prnz’s place… XD we walked aLL they way from the hospitaL to prnz’s house… wyL woking dey tokd nd i casually gave off some words but not much since it was too dusty nd blaH to tok.. xD we stopped by ARBEES to buy bread… nd it was der timmy had d idea of callin meeh tindera since dey wer luki for a TINDERA… xD
in prnz’s house…
finally we reached the house of prnz..
we went in and i gave prnz mum a kiss… i walked myself to her rum… it was sorta dark… i opened d door of her rum nd it was dark… den i suddenly SCREAMED… they scared meeh.. xD i kinda saw it cmin bt stiLL wasnt able to hold my scream since dey to screamed… as usual, my scream nd reaction to things lyk that amused them… it was nyc dt we all jst hanged in her rum… sittng nd lying around… 
the surprise…
i went out coz i had to use the cr… nd change.. i changed in d rum of prnz’s sister…
after i was through wd all that… i was locked awt wd prnz… xD dey wer plannin smethin nd i prepared myself to be scared agen nd took deep breaths so i wuldnt scream… dey sed dey were changin.. (waht??!!) ahaha… bt i ddnt buy it… dey turnd off d lyts nd opened d door.. wen i went in dey turnd on d lyts nd gave meeh a card… dey greeted meeh a happy birthday agen nd sorta sang.. xD i read d card nd it was sweet nd nyc of ‘em to give meeh dt..
den later shtan, emmie, nd anney were acting all weird agen nd dey went awt to get smethin nd agen dey told meeh to stay… i heard dem make der way bak to prnz’s rum… d door opened, agen wd d lyts off… den dey started singin agen… anney was bringin a cake nd shtan was holdin a candle… ahaha… wow! dey dd dt huh? XD bt d fuuny part was.. as shtanleeh was goin near meeh so i cud blow d candle… he pasd by d fan n d fan blew d lit candle.. xD i ember shatnleeh sayin "sus i got pasu for nuthin" xD ahaha.. dt was funny though… after that sme picture takin tuk place… we also wrote on danna’s belated happy birthday card…
off to the living rum…
after hangin in prnz’s rum we took the fun to the living rum… we jst sat der nd i was drunk agen.. goin crzy… xD waHk! ahahaaha… nd kenneth was all gloomy… xD waHk agen! shtanleeh was hungry… he kept askin us where we’d eat… so we thought zao or aa’s… then we told prnz’s mum dt we’d be off nd dt she shud eat wd us… she sed she cudnt leave their tindahan but she suggested dt we try SAVIBO CAFE beside zoa… we ate der… xD we tuk pictures on the way nd we tuk MUMU pics of ourselves inside…. after dt we ate… i ember shtan ordered extra rice nd jerry finished emmie’s rice… ahaha.. it was soo much fun nd we ddnt notice it was lyk 9+… we wokd nd drop prnz home… den we wer off to my house… anney was to be pikd up in my house… den emmie, shtan nd jerry wokd to jobido wer der ride was… xD the plans of getting sme desserts in jobido had to be canceled… nd we had to go bak to our homes… XD that was where our blessed day ended…
we all agreed d day ended well (i dunno f it started well… xD)
and now we’re all looking forward to d bday celebration of our beloved ANNEY~
sreeh if this entry is long… ahaha… waHk!!!
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