

POST TAKEN FROMprivate multiply account

I missed the IT26 exam on 2-3 Tree earlier today. Yey! *all sarcastic* 
As if it would make a lot of difference if I took it, I'll probably just get a 4 or something out of 40 or 50 points. 

I'm the #42 perfromer for the IT36 practical exam majig. We're only 42 in the class (or so I heard), so yes, I'll be the last to perform. Best for last right? 

CS127 reporting was embarrasssing, Charles and I mixed up our reports and all. Brian to the rescuse again, thank God he can save us with the reporting. I don't feel too bad, God knows I tried. 

Had my 2nd Urinalysis today. From school I drove to my sister's school (CCS) and walked to Chong Hua Hospital wehere my dad was waiting for me. After the Urinalysis, we went to eat maki and maki mi at ala king.

Spotted: Mother of my sister's friend dating another guy? What's that about?! I heard she didn't want her husband around (FYI: The husband works abroad). And the daughter is in on it with the mother? Mother accepts suitors? Tsk tsk. I will pray for them tonight. 

3:12 am. I'm still up trying to update my multiply. I'm almost leaving (sorta), only a year away. I'd like to be assured of the memory bank I have placed in my account, that the pictures stay safe and accessible anytime I need to look back on things while I'm all the way there. I'm even going to include all the very OLD and weird photos. And even photos of those people whom I have erased from my life. All part of the past I can't change.  

I got a Premium account today, these memories really are important. I can't print them all and stuff so I'd like to safely store it here in my little Haven. 

Things to pray for: 
* mother of my sister's friend and her family
* my father's business
* my health (UTI) and mother's as well
* for mercy, that I be able to get an NC in IT26 (although I'm expecting a 5.0)
* my sister
* elwin and I
* elwin's family
* my doggy miggy, whom I love

Note to self: 
I need to remind kuya Adam and Nardo about this Friday- E4J! 

In the end, all will be well...

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