
Straight-Cut Pants

POST TAKEN FROMprivate multiply account

Woke up with over 10 miscalls from my classmates. They were trying to wake me up so that I won't miss today's exam - Trie Tree. I am dumbfounded with the topic, so when I arrived late, it only took me about 5 minutes to answer the test. I wrote down a short code, which I am sure wasn't right. It was just for the sake of not passing a blank paper. I scribbled on my scratch paper the letter of the alphabet in cursive and in print. Ha-ha.

I spent the rest of the time sticking with Nardo- THE BURTDAE BOY. I told him my "presence" was my gift.  Had lunch at Lasang. When we went back up, Jade found this "disturbing" paper. I don't want to think about it, as Nardo said, "kalimti nlng gud toh" since it got me sort of worked up and frustrated. 

After CS127 chapter reports, I went straight home. I threw the sandwich I had to a beggar who lives by the wall on the side of the street. It was my second time "throwing" him sandwiches. I couldn't stop since it's a straight through road plus it might be dangerous for me to stop, so I throw instead. Sorry.  

Still not finish re-uploading photos. The order of the photos sort of are frustrating to figure out but I'm trying to remember which happened before the other. 

I was kidding around my Mom last night, about how she and my sister could share shirt and pants, and it was unfair since I couldn't fit their size. She brought home a pair of straight-cut pants for me today. YEY! I quote, "ana tamo ka love", that part only, the rest was sort of a sermon.  Ha-ha. Thank you mom! I got them in small, although I'm not sure if I should have it switched for medium in case a gain a few pounds over the summer.  I'll just have to "maintain" and maybe shape up my body a bit huh? 

Finals is coming up, I'll need to prepare for it. I don't want to fail. But as for IT26, I'm accepting the fact that it is inevitable to fail. LOL. I'm accepting it early, so that I'll be able to move on earlier too. I'll prepare for IT26 this summer for sure! 

Happy Burtdae Nardo! :)

PS: Thank you Elwin for yesterday. It surprised me- the tone. I was touched too that you were able to download it for me, Kim Possible message tone. LoL. Hihi.

Loved and be loved in return,

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