I'm trying to gather a small amount for relief to the victims of Typhoon Ondoy. I'll be forwarding this to the people in Manila. It's a small amount but I'm sure it will make a difference, plus I'm not anyone popular who can aim for a bigger amount. $300 is already a big amount/ goal for me to try and gather.
And for those who are afraid I'm scamming people and taking advantage of the situation, don't worry- I'll post up proof that I did indeed forward the money to Manila to help the victims, that's when I'm through collecting and when I've actually forwarded the amount. Plus, this is a private account, with a link to my Haven- where I blog about my personals, with photos of my friends, family, and myself. I wouldn't want to put my face (my family's reputation and the reputation of a Filipino) on the line if this wasn't an authentic "gathering of relief funds for the typhoon Ondoy". $300 is just a little amount for me to risk my name on. :)
So please, even just $1 can make a difference. Even $0.50 I'll be grateful, and that's no joke. Think about the small amounts adding up, that will certainly make a big impact! Your little contribution with definitely go a long way for our brothers and sisters in need.
trying to make a difference,
PS: You can also check out http://moongirl.wordpress.com/2009/09/28/donating-to-manila-from-abroad/ if you're abroad and you wish to donate and help. You don't have to chip in my account, they're all heading the same way and all gathered for the same reason anyways. :)