
Goodbye Mr. Kenneth Ang

[late post: Aug 24, 12:40am]

I'm way behind, I know.

August 12
2 weeks ago, Kenly's dad passed away. He passed away Wednesday, August 11 at around 1am. I visited with my parents and sister, August 12, Wednesday. My parents waited in the car while my sister and I went in to see Kenly. It was the first time I met Belle. She was quite shy, specially after I mentioned to her that we chatted before. I also asked Kenly about his mother, he said his mom (who is in Lebanon) hasn't heard the news. It was when I asked that he thought about text messaging his mother's sibling. We passed by McD before heading home since there's a belief my parents practice that after visiting a wake, you are to stop by somewhere to leave bad spirits or something there and not bring it home with you. In short, you are not to go straight home.

My parents were really nice to drive me all the way to Rolling Hills in the middle of night (around 8:30pm), we got home almost 10 o'clock or a bit pass 10pm I think.

August 13

I thought I wouldn't be able to visit, but thanks to my friend Anney, I was able to. I picked Elwin up on my way to Mom's office. Anney met with me there with her friend Ian. I went there to leave mom the car, and I drove Anney's car to rolling hills. I am never fully at ease with her Yaris. For one, it is not my car, and second- it's automatic. I am so used to driving manual, I do not really know how to listen to an automatic car engine. But I will always love driving for and with my friend Anne. We got there (Rolling Hills) and stayed for about 5 minutes, and everyone decided to have dinner at Sunburst, just up ahead.

Goup photo at Sunburst (from Chippy)

After the dinner, we said our goodbyes. Elwin and I went with Anne to Dog Palace place (or what's left of it). She was there to buy some dog treats and we also checked out the pups for sale. This man (his name seems to escape my head all the time), used to buy my dad's puppies wholesale. He marketed the pups up for more than triple the price or so. I've also heard bad deals about him from others and I heard some of those complaints against him are up on iStorya.

August 14
I went to see Kenly again. I was at Jollibee Banilad with some classmates, trying to study for our upcoming IT126 exams. Earlier that day we just had our IT32 exam. Time flew fast enough, I was waiting to pick my mom up but turns out she didn't want to be picked up. She was going out with friends. So I dropped my classmates off at Ayala and I arrived home at around 6pm. Contacted Timmy and I offered to be the one to bring a car this time, since I've been hitching with him. I had a zit of a situation (no really, I did). I was over at Timmy's a bit pass 7pm, or was it 7:30pm? Picked up Timmy, Claire, Charles, and along the way, picked Junel and Princess too.

We arrived at Rolling Hills just in time for the service to starts, with no dinner. Kenly shared to us about how his father was his hero, and how he wanted to be with him. As he gave his speech, tears broke out. Tears that were contained since his father died, even maybe since his father was sick. Surely Princess and I were glad he finally let it out. A lot of us cried with him, I cried a lot as well. How he shared to us his love for his father. Even if he did not shower them with material things, he still shared an intimate and deeper bond with his father. There I saw how Kenly was such an understanding son, and I was proud of him, as I am sure his father was very proud of him. And there, I also concluded that Kenly is at peace with his dad before he left and that he will be alright. He is in great hands with the Lord.

A lot of his high school friends were there to show him support, others even flew in from Manila. His Cebu Gospel and Maranatha Family were there as well.

After the service, staying a while to chat a bit, we went ahead and brought Claire home. We then headed to McD Sykes to have our very late dinner. This was around 10 o'clock. Charles was dubbed Princess as we noticed that doors were opened for him a lot, he didn't have to lift a finger. Charles laughed a whole lot that night, we did as well. At around 12 o'clock Timmy's mom called, he hasn't packed for their trip the following day and his mom wanted him home. They'd be going to Mindanao to celebrate a relatives 100th birthday, awesome right?

We passed by I.T. park to pick my mom up. Dropped Charles off at his place and then Timmy. Went home, thought about death for a bit and called it a night.

August 15
8:30am Kenly's dad would be cremated, family members only. At 9am, he would be buried. Princess and I talked about going for the burial. I was able to wake up with the sound of the alarm (and my sister's help). I was half awake text messaging with Princess. I thought she text messaged me about not going and so I went back to sleep, turns out she didn't text me about not going and that it was just probably a dream. Boo!

Rest in peace Mr. Kenneth Ang. You have planted good seeds in this world, namely Kenly and Belle. Seeds that will surely be great warriors in their own time. As young as Belle is, grade 4, Kenly shared that God has already placed in her a dream. I pray they both continue to grow in God's love.


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