
My Year Ending Post.

[Okay, so I totally ripped off the title from Elwin's blog entry. HAHA.]

I rushed to Fooda to buy ingredients for Black Sambo dessert. I somehow kept calling it Black Samba. The grocery was packed and the lines were long, I see a lot of people were doing last minute errands as well. My sister and I finished surprisingly quick though. Thank God. 

So while waiting for my mother last night to finish bonding with her friends, my dad, sister, and I were at Starbucks. I was scanning through Foodie Mag, the cookbook magazine and took photos of some ingredients. Culinary has always been close to my heart. I remember watching Rachel Ray's cooking show and others of the like. I remember buying the cute orange apron, that wooden chopping board, and taking a baking session at Caro and Marie. If only we had a better kitchen. Anyways, so I thought of making Elwin something for New Year. :)

I researched online the ingredients for Black Samba but mom said she had her own. It took time before she found it so we were able to go purchase the ingredients at around 3:30pm. Elwin was already on his way to our house. By the time he got to our house, I was done with one layer. But I messed it up! I didn't used hot water. Thankfully we had spare ingredients so I had to start over. 

Elwin made Mango Float and he brought over some to our place. It was the best tasting one, no kid. :D Even Holly commended his Mango Float. I was still going nuts over trying to make the Black Samba work. I told Elwin to tell his family we just bought it, in case it tasted bad. 

Mom said it was like we were exchanging gifts, him with his Mango Float and me with my Black Samba. My Black Samba however was far from perfect. The taste of his Mango Float was delectable. 

So I'm thankful Elwin had dinner over at our place with my dad, mom, sister, and three aunts (goco, saco, laku). I couldn't imagine any better way of spending our last dinner for the year 2009. 

2009 was full of ups and downs. I enrolled in three different Universities for this year, took and entrance exam 4 times, went out and open to my family about my relationship with Elwin, had Phoebe as an addition to our family and keep Miggy company, met up with old friends (elementary and high school), and faced new challenges like enrolling without my dad and going around downtown on my own. So I guessed I can say I'm a bit more independent than I used to be. I'm not fully there yet, but I'm surely getting their.

Cheers to 2009, for the blessings, the challenges, the friends, family, dramas, and all others. 
Let's usher in 2010 with a big smile on or face, a heart full of love and hope, and with the belief that things will only get better. God has a lot of great plans for each of us this 2010, I believe. 

Thankful for 2009 and all the more for the coming 2010,

PS: I still have post/late blog entries to put up. 


Christmas Cards!

So I bought a whole bunch of Christmas cards and I want to send them out to friends, family, and people! :D

I've been thinking about doing this for 3 days now, but I figured it was too late. Christmas will be over before my card gets to you. But who cares? Everyday IS Christmas as long as in our hearts we know and remember that Christ is the reason and purpose of our being.  He is the gift of God and our way to eternal life and salvation.

So if you want to get a belated Christmas card from me, please send me your address!

Have a Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays to all!

your friend,



7 Sections.

1. Cheated on someone? No.
2. Fallen off the bed? Yes.
3. Broken someone’s heart? Not that I'm aware of.
4. Had your heart broken? Yes.
5. Had a dream come true? Yes.
6. Done something you regret? Yes, but it passes. 

1. Wearing? White spag straps and boxers.
2. Have any piercings? Ears pierced.
3. Drive? Yes.
4. Ever Smoked? No.
5. Tattoos? No.

1. Hugged? Elwin.
2. Kissed? Mom.
3. IMed? Eduard.
4. Talked on the phone to? My aunt.
5. Yelled at? Phoebe, my sister's chi.

1. What do you/did you want to be when you finish(ed) school? To be stable, satisfied, and happy.
2. What has been the best day of your life? The day I decided to be a Christian. And the good days just kept on coming. :)
3. What comes first in your life? Family, Friends, and Studies.
4. What are you most scared of? Not knowing.
5. What do you usually think about before you go to bed? Things I have to deal with.
6. Did you lose someone you really loved? Yes.
7. Love your family? With every bit of me.

1. Movie: A Walk to Remember.
2. Song: Stick Around - Azure
3. Ice Cream Flavour: After 8.
4. Fruit: Mango
5. Candy: Kendi Mint
6. Day of the Week: Saturday
7. Color: Blue

1. Like to give hugs? super tight ones. :D
2. Like to walk in the rain? YES. 
3. Prefer black or blue pens? black. 
4. Like to travel? Yes.
5. Sleep on your side? Every side is my side. x) 
6. Have a goldfish? No. My dad does.
7. Ever have the falling dream? Yes. Not too often anymore.
8. Have stuffed animals? Yes.

1. Pierced nose or tongue? nose.
2. MTV or BET? MTV.
3. 7th Heaven or Dawson’s Creek? 7th Heaven.
4. Sugar or salt? Salt.
5. Silver or gold? Silver.
6. Chocolate or flowers? Both. But I'd say flowers.
7. Color or Black-and-white photos? colored.
8. M&Ms or skittles? M&Ms.
9. Stay up late or sleep in? Stay up late.
10. Hot or cold? Cold.
11. Ketchup or mustard? Ketchup.
12. Spring or Fall? Fall.
13. Happy or sad? Happy.
14. Wonder or amazement? Amazement. 
15. Mexican or Italian food? Mexican.
16. O.C. or Laguna Beach? Neither.

Questions I Answered.

What’s your favorite color gummy bear? 
- the green or yellow ones I think.

What is the sexiest part of the opposite sex’s body? 
- smile, hair, eyes.

Have you ever made up/sang a song for someone you cared about? 
- They never heard it.

Ever had a song sang about/for you? 
- I think.

Is there a baby in the room with you right now? 
- Nope. Only two doggies.

Do you know how to dance? 
- What do you think?

Where do you sing the most, in the car, the shower or other? 
- car and shower. x) Alone times.

What is your favorite thing that is green?
- My pringles sour cream junkfood (?)

What did your last text message say? 
- "Maybe maka photobooth ku bt I have 2 go home after..."

Boxers, briefs or boxer briefs? 
- briefs and then boxers. x)

What is your middle name? 
- My mother's maiden name.

What is the way to your heart? 
- sweet surprises and sincere romantic gestures. :) the little thoughtful things. :)

What do you smell like?
- A guy. 
What’s in your pocket?
- No pockets on boxers.

Anything in your mouth? 
- pringles sour cream and onions. D:

Ever hurt yourself playing Wii?
- Never played Wii. So, no.

Do you have freckles?
- Thankfully, I don't.

How many languages can you say “Hello” in? 
- at least 6 I think.

What’s the last movie you saw in the theater?
- Ninja Assasin.

Ever jumped/fallen/been pushed in a pool with your clothes on? 
- Yes.

Are you wearing any clothes that you wore yesterday? 
- Yes. 

Name a song that you know all the words to: 
- Burn by Usher.

Are you in love with someone right now?
- Yes.

What’s the last thing you watched on TV? 
- I cannot remember. Pretty sure it was something on Disney channel. :p

What’s the last video game you played? 
- Tekken 6?

Who is your daddy and what does he do?
- My mother's husband and he is a man of business. :p

Can you do the alphabet in sign language? 
- Yes!

Do you have an unkle named Joe? 
- Not that I know of.

Do you wear glasses? 
- Unfortunately.

What can you hear right now? 
- Air condition buzzing. :p

Did you feel better or worse or the same yesterday? 
- The same?

Ever been overseas? 
- Yes.

What are your plans for today? 
- Sleep, wrap gifts.

How long have you had MySpace? 
- sinceway back but it was never active.

What was your favorite childhood show? 
- Little Lulu, Popeye, Dexter's Lab, PPG, Akazukin Chacha, and a whole bunch more.

Are you close to your siblings? 
- Close enough.

What was your first job?
- McD crew. Cashier/ Take out window/ Runner and the works.

Do you bite your nails? 
- Before grade 3 I did, before we had lessons on tapeworms, ringworms, and the like.

Do you like your feet? 
- Yes.

Do you sleep well at night? 
- I sleep heavy. x)



bold what's true about you.

1. I’m in my bedroom now.
2. I’m in Asia.
3. My hair is black.
(Sorta. And naturally.)
4. My best friend is of the opposite sex.
5. My best friend is my significant other.

6. I’m currently listening to music.
7. In fact, I listen to music more than 80% of the time.
8. My parents are still married.
9. I have an older sister.
10. I prefer wearing skirts over pants/jeans.
11. I love high heels.
12. I have plans for tomorrow.
13. My watch is white.
14. My cell phone is neither a slide nor a flip.
15. I’m near-sighted.
16. I use smileys a lot.

17. My music player is Samsung.
18. My significant other’s birthday is in September.
19. My razor is pink.
20. I love the rain.
21. I’m chatting with someone on instant messenger now.
22. I use MSN.
23. I have a Facebook account.
24. I’ve more or less abandoned my MySpace account.
25. My last name has only three letters in it.
26. My middle name sounds prettier than my first name.

27. I’m terrified of cockroaches.
28. I’m using Windows Vista now.
30. I’m not on a desktop computer.
31. I just watched a video on Youtube.
32. I have over 200 favourites on Youtube.
33. And I’ve watched at least 1000 videos.
34. I’ve never smoked a cigarette in my life.
35. And I don’t intend to try one either.
36. I’ve been on a plane all by myself.
37. I’d rather sing well than dance well.
38. I’m satisfied with my height, but not with my weight.
39. My hair is naturally wavy.
40. My nails are painted.
41. I know how to drive but don’t have a license.
42. It’s almost midnight now.
43. I own an animal print wallet.
44. Zebra print is my favourite.
45. I take pictures with my cell phone a lot.
46. I love black eyeliner. (But don't really use it :p)
47. Saturday is my favourite day of the week.
48. And tomorrow is Saturday!
49. I loved Captain Jack Sparrow and Captain Barbossa in POTC.
50. I play the piano pretty well.

bold what you love.

1) Striped socks.
2) Winter vacation.
3) Minty breath.
4) Warm hands.

5) Sublime.
6) Proving people wrong.

7) Sketching.
8) Steel drums.

9) Tampons.
10) The Sims 2.
11) Kissing. (the term kisses sounds better. :D)
12) Backpacks.
13) Cloudy weather.
14) Picking out presents for people.

15) Kevin Flamme.
16) Boys.
17) Old movies.
18) Reminiscing.

19) Mario Party.
20) Orange juice.
21) Interesting people.
22) Late-night texting.
23) Cool teachers.
24) Levi jeans.

25) The city bus.
26) Cardigans.
27) Sneezing.
28) Drinking cold water.
29) Finding money in my pockets.
30) Making connections.
31) Books.
32) Bolding surveys.

33) A clean bedroom. (But it doesn't follow my bedroom is clean xD)
34) Collages.
35) Meeting people.
36) Comfortable positions.
37) Headphones.
38) Marathons.

39) Packing to go somewhere.
40) Mascara.
41) Daydreaming.
42) Possibilities.

43) Ramen.
44) Notepads.
45) Burt’s Bees.
46) Babysitting.
47) Actually getting homework done.
48) Feeling good about myself.
49) Complimenting people.
50) PostSecret.
51) Confiding in people.

52) Themed things.
53) T shirts.
54) Gentlemen.

55) Singing harmonies.
56) Being surprised.
57) New clothes.
58) Target.
59) Long eyelashes.

60) Bright Eyes.
61) Naps.
62) Nicely-dressed boys.

63) Barack Obama.
64) Tweezed eyebrows.
65) Inside jokes.
66) Eye-contact.
67) Acronyms.
68) Thinking.
69) Animals.

70) Collecting turtles.
71) Understanding.
72) Friendship bracelets. (Not really bracelets but something like it. :D)
73) Meaningful items.
74) Simon & Garfunkel.
75) Silly pictures.
76) Raspberries.
77) Not going to school.
78) Star Trek.
79) Reading blogs.
80) Showering away problems.
81) Worn-in shoes.

82) Paranormal televison shows.
83) Facebook chat.
84) Baked ziti.
85) Visiting my elementary school.
86) Soft blankets.
87) Big words.

88) Staying up late.
89) Second chances.
90) Piggy-back rides.

91) Saying words over and over until they sound really strange.
92) Surrealism.
93) The feeling of relief after going pee.
94) Home videos.

95) Unusual names.
96) Diving boards.
97) Smilies.
98) Cats. 
99) Feeling better.
100) Considerate people.

Out With the Siblings

So yesterday I was finally able to go malling with Elwin's little siblings. I haven't seen them in the longest time. They rode the jeepney to Ayala Mall (I could imagine how that was for Elwin). And I went with my sister. We met up at KFC to grab some grub. 

After KFC and Comfor Lounge, Holly separated with us to meet up with her friends. So it was me, Elwin, AC, and Yan2. We went to Metro Gaisano kids' department to buy AC and Yan2 Christmas presents. I bought AC a cute barbie purse which is all glittery and Elwin bought her a wallet. We already bought Yan2 his gift (boxing set thinger) so Elwin only got him 1 Pokemon mini action figure thing. Elwin was also able to buy something for his mami (grandmother). We bumped into Santa and took some photos of the kids with him. He was giving away candies. After that we bought stuff for Rhiann, our god daughter. We packed it and dropped it off at Shakey's where JR (Rhiann's father) was working at. We also had our snacks #2 there. Slush for the kids after their meal and we met up with Holly. Photos by the mall Christmas tree and they were of to go home. They were supposed to be home by 7pm but I think it went over 7. Cab Plate: GXK285

So after they left, Holly and I went around a bit looking for something to buy for dad. We bought mum a mug from Starbucks. We also gave her s Starbucks mug the last time. I think this will be more than the 5th time I'm giving her a cup or mug of some sort. She's just fond of those things. Starbucks also had Serendipity to serenade their guests for that night. As for dad's present, we eyed on a book and magazine. We resolved to Holly buying on the 23rd when she goes out with her friends, in case something better comes up. :p

So enjoy the photos that tell the tale:

KFC. Metro Gaisano. Christmas Tree.


Happy Holidays

all the way from CEBU! ;)

have a lovely one!

Elwin's Blogspot

My boyfriend's blogspot account: Rants and Waves

Yehoo~ I'm excited for updates on this one for sure! :) I checked it out before I went to bed early in the morning. I wanted to comment but I can't seem to. =/ 

Anyhoo. I've got to get ready now. Off to Ayala with Elwin and his little brother and sister and me with my sister. I hope we get to do our Christmas shopping for the 'rents. And I hope we get to watch Avatar! :) If not today, tomorrow perhaps? 


Eduard Sy

You asked for this. :) haha. 

So let me tell you about my dear friend Mr. Eduard Stuart Ochea Sy. He was my friend way back 5th grade in my 1 year stay at Cebu Cherish School. I had my share of fond memories in that school: hide and seek, modern day camping, dancing, chinese garter, my fainting, and the swings! I've also had bad memories from that place, but I keep in mind the goods ones first. I had to transfer to Sacred Heart School for Girls because CCS didn't have any religion or bible related subject which was important to my mother. 

My last memory of my friend Eduard was when he used to phone me home, after I transfered school. Of course, the forgetful man (man daw o!) that he is, he could not remember this. I remember I'd hang out with the boys a lot- Eduard, Martin, and Baudric most of the time. I'd tag along one of them when we played hide and seek and they'd get annoyed at times because of course you'll be spotted easier if you crowd. But I did not want to hide alone. Haha. 

So after 8 years or so, one morning I was early at school and bored. I decided to go to the cafe just beside school and just kill the time surfing the net. I said I was bored right? So I saw "Eduard Sy" on FB posting stuff up, "5 Things ..." thing- that sort of post. So Baudric commented, and I commented back as well about Eduard being a cheater. He placed 3 things or so in one number. After our exchange of comments, he replied; but the replies seemed dry, as though he was conversing online with a complete stranger. I then shot the question "kaila ka nako?" (Do you know me?) Haha. Sure enough, he didn't and barely had any idea. He guessed I was a DJ of a local radio station (where in the world he got that idea is beyond me). Poor guy. I did not say who I was and I made him think. It took him the next day to figure out who I was and the rest was online history. Haha.

Little Ed

I like this edited photo, tie and all:

Here's a recent photo with face uncovered, 
a little miracle for this month:

Did I mention I was significantly taller than him back in 5th grade? Yup, I soooo was. But about the present day, let's forget about the height, shall we? Haha. 

So to my friend who accompanied me through the excruciating process of having to transfer to a totally different school- THANK YOU! Though my USJR days were short-lived, you made it worth the while. Thank you, thank you! After all these years, you're still a friend! :) My 1 week stay. Haha! 1 week of being a Josenian. Sorry for the hassles sib and you should know I am forever grateful for the accommodation. Haha.

What is it with schools he is in? They all seem to be short-lived moments. Haha. From 1 year at CCS to 1 week at USJR. Tough luck. Haha.

your sib,

PS: If you are wondering how he asked for this, let's say he shared my link to his friend and I'd like his friend to read on something they can relate to. Haha! Don't hate me for this sib! :D 

No Offense

When people go "no offense", they're actually about to say something offensive. If not that, they already DID say something offensive. Just something I'm thinking of early in the morning. It's nearly 6am and I'm still about to sleep. Elwin will not be happy about this, as much as my mom and dad won't be happy about it either. :p time to wait for my brain to shut off. Bye.


Two Books in a Row

For this month I've read 2 books so far. Both bought at PowerBooks, SM for 299php. :)

I really enjoyed the first book "Love the One You're With". Taught me about love, regrets, and commitments. In one line: "Love is a choice". It took me about 1-2 weeks to finish this one. My excuse: I had school to busy myself with. I even had only an hour of sleep on the last day of reading this book. Haha. 

I quote from Emily Giffin's book:
But maybe that's what it all comes down to. Love, not as a surge of passion, but as a choice to commit to something, someone, no matter what obstacles or temptations stand in the way. Maybe making that choice, again and again, day in and day out, year after year, says more about love than never having a choice to make at all. 
Basically it's about a girl who after 100 days of married life, bumps into her ex-boyfriend who she was totally crazy and obsessed with years ago. And then she finds herself in a difficult situation. 

The second book was a thicker one, had more pages and smaller font size. But I managed to finish it in 2-3 days time since I didn't have school to bother me for the time being. It was fun to read. Basically it was like reading IMs, e-mails, letters, and post cards. It made me want to get back to e-mailing, sending post cards and stuff. The title of the book (I almost forgot to mention): "Love, Rosie". It was formerly published as Rosie Dunne. I loved every part of it. 

The book was about 2 best friends, friends since they were five and they loved each other since. But their love remained unspoken of to each other for about 50 years. Every time one of them tries to tell the other, something comes up. They've been through a whole lot, but in the end- what was meant to be, was meant to be. Cecilia Ahern, the author of "Love, Rosie" was also the author of "P.S. I Love You". I really, really enjoyed the book. I felt the frustration Rosie Dunne and Alex Stewart felt. All along, they belonged to each other but they were both too afraid to admit it, they were afraid to lose the friendship they have.

Anyways, it's the Christmas break and Elwin told me to give the buying of book a rest for now. He is very much concerned with my sleeping so late. I love you with every bit of my heart, but I'll reason with him tomorrow. It's the Christmas break after all right? But I really should give that Java book I borrowed from Daren O. (Thanks Daren! You're a pal!) a good read to prepare myself with that particular programming language. But then again, it's the Christmas break! I think I deserve to be merry, ya? 

a bookworm in my own little ways,



Blog Lovin'

So go ahead and... 
Follow my blog with bloglovin



Okay, okay- so the title is cheesy/ corny. Forgive me. HAHA.

I bought these tonight (last night) at Celine. I was torn between this and the flats that were so cute. Sure enough, the flats were so ME. And I'm 100% sure I would have used it way more and it was cheaper- 999 and with 20% off, 799php.

I have been saying for months (if not years) now that I want to try on heels (or in this case, wedges) and be a bit more "girly". I have slowly been transformed into a girl- just not the full blown "girly girl". But for sure, I'm no longer the "tomboy" that a few people thought I was. I'm still pretty much one of the guys, in the sense that I really hang out with guys, not so much girls. 

I am now wondering how long I will be able to wear this pair. A more proper question would be, how many times I will be wearing it. The last time I bought (and paid for) heels was for the last acquaintance party I'd attend at my former University. I paid a little over 1000php for those and only got to wear them once. Haha. My mom paid for this pair, 1039php because they were on sale- 20%. The Celine store on the ground floor of Ayala Mall showcased their old stocks and last pairs- hence, the price off. 

Also when I got home and was on my laptop, I figured out why the shoes (wedge) looks familiar. It's similar to what I tumbled upon on Tumblr months ago. I liked it and saved it. The one on photo is better though, since it's no wedge. 

I think I'll want to go back for the flats. Hmm...
Any guess on how many times I'll get to wear this pair? Haha.
Clearly I'm no fan of wedges- NO FAN. 

trying to be girly perhaps,

PS: I switched from forspring.com to formspring.me. ;) And I was right! The first formspring last night was from my ever supportive boyfriend. :)

PSS: That dog up there is my beloved Miggy. :) I love him to death. He's so adorable. :)


Reminded Me of Dad and Taxis

This sooo reminds me of dad and the decisions he makes, like with the taxis we had. He sold our taxis and the franchises before the business completely crashed. Maintaining the old taxis did cause him a lot of time, stress, and money. I was able to write an essay about my dad for Elwin's Techpreneurship class (was it?). Of course, I volunteered for it, but he didn't expect I was serious about it. At least I can return the favors right? It's a give and take thing, two way street, that's just how it should work.

This also reminds me of how I should have transferred school earlier, but better late than never right? :p 

"Abandon the ship before it sinks."


33 Months

33 months == 2 years and 9 months. 

I had dinner with Elwin today at Pizza Hut, Country Mall- just right across school. It was a simple dinner for two, his treat. :) Thank you my love. 33 months and still counting... I just feel blessed. It hasn't been easy (that is expected), but thank God we haven't gone through too much drama like the ones you see in soaps or you hear a friend of a friend is experiencing. I am weak at points Elwin is strong at and I am strong at points he much strong at, in short- we coincide and complement each other.

Today wasn't such a good start, although I got up early enough to buy a burger for Elwin at McD and made it to school in time. Our IT121 Lecture exam was about to begin and I skimmed through my notes, from the very beginning part of it and not so much minding the last few notes- BIG MISTAKE! He said study everything, but I didn't study at all. I was very caught into the book I am reading (which I can't wait to continue reading after this post) and with the Internet that I did not bother scanning my notes that night before the exam (or that dawn rather). Plus, I knew pretty well the things to do regarding HTML tables and stuff, I need not study- WRONG AGAIN! 

I received the paper, I instantly feel my face freeze in shock, and my mind thought "OH SH*T!". The exam was about forms, basically ALL ABOUT FORMS which I haven't familiarized myself much with it just yet. He had just given that lesson last meeting- December 14, and so I thought it wouldn't come out of the exam. Day ruiner. Great. I thought of handing the paper to our teacher and exit. I can just easily take the exam next year along with the others who didn't settle their accounts with the school yet. His policy was no validated permit, no exam. I was hesitant though, cause I did have the permit and I thought of just getting it over with. I took the exam, with very little knowledge on forms, with erasures on my paper, although he clearly instructed no erasures, and with crushed confidence. I submit my paper and exit. I expect a zero.

IT222 was a good news since I didn't study that as well. My excuse- I left my notepad in the car, and it was too late to go down and get it. IT121 Lab was okay, although I didn't get to have the welcome function pop out. I copy pasted my code from the last exercise, which I wasn't sure was allowed. But he didn't say it wasn't and I wasn't hiding, I was at PC#1 which was near our teacher's table. All he had to do to see me (my back) and my PC was look over to his right. 

English1R was a bit of a comedy. We were given the papers to answer and our teacher exited, leaving us to take the exam on our own and unsupervised. I was answering my own paper knowing others were copying. I remind them that if they copy and any answers go wrong- not my fault. Haha. I think there was only 3 true source of answer in our room- me, my 26-year-old seat mate, and maybe the 32-year-old married student nurse. The test was easy, and I hope we aced it. 

I inserted a bit of research work in the middle, around 2:30-3:30pm. I met with my group mates as we rushed the parts we lacked. I was happy to get their text message confirming that we were able to pass our research work at around 5:00pm, while I was in my English1R class. I expected us to go all the way until 7:00pm just to finish but as always, God is gracious.

The day ended well as I stated earlier. Dinner with my boyfriend on our 33rd month together as a couple. After dinner I went with Elwin back to school. He still had to study for an exam. We stayed at the library, I was reading my book again: "Love The One You're With" by Emily Giffin, as Elwin studied for his exam later that night. Donjeb caught up on us. We stayed there until it was near 7:30pm, time for them to take their exam and time for me to fetch my mom. 

I know I should be making that Physics assignment instead of blogging, facebook-ing, reading my book, but what can I say? I just DON'T LIKE (hate) PHYSICS, especially with a teacher who seems unsure of what he is teaching and lack of talent to convey the lesson effectively or in a more understandable manner. But he probably is a good person though, he seems nice, but it doesn't really make up for his being not-so-good in teaching. Plus, I'm so totally done Physics, were it not for the lack of 1 unit. Hopefully we get exempted soon.

Me and my rants. 

Bottom Line: I LOVE ELWIN.
Highlight of the day: Isn't it obvious? DINNER WITH ELWIN.

I want to read my book now, 


Form Spring and Ay DJ!

So I just placed a form spring on the side, check it. Haha. 

Let's say I'd like to pretend that people are actually reading my blog. (Okay so I don't get that much hits, but still, people drop by for whatever reason right?)

I placed a form spring up for two reasons, 1: I love surprises, and it will be a surprise if I get any form spring back right? And 2: because I just want to talk. I'm a fairly friendly person. I've got friends online, some people from BlogTV like Hannah on my YM. Andrew from Canada and Len from Holland (was it?) up on my Skype. But I only really just IM with Hannah. Haha. I'm no freaky Internet-all-day, no-real-social-life, loner kind of person either, please don't be mistaken. So just for the fun of it, it's placed on the side there- my form spring. For the fun of it. 

So on another topic, I've been searching for this song I heard on MTV and MYX a couple of times, but I just really listen, I don't watch the music videos so I keep missing the title. It goes something like "Don't stop make it hot DJ turn the music up tonight blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah oo wo oh wo oh woah(2x)" Haha. I really sound pathetic now, but no one is really reading so why care? :p I still have my privacy. :) I'm still searching for this song... but for now, I'll just post up the song lyrics of "The Dedication (Ay DJ)".

Jibbs The Dedication (Ay DJ) feat. Lloyd lyrics

DJ Give Us Somethin To Ride To
My Shawty Is On Her Way Home From Work Soon
And Imma Do It Like We Did It In High School
And Send My Dedication On My Favorite Station
Girl Only You

Ay DJ, Ay DJ, Ay DJ (Play That Song For Her)
Ay DJ, Ay DJ, Ay DJ (Play That Song For Her)
Ay DJ, Ay DJ, Ay DJ (Play That Song For Her)
DJ Play That Song For Her

Now Let Me Take Us Back To High School
She Better Then The Food In The Lunch Room
Used To Walk Home Nothin To Ride To
No Car But I Heard The Radio Playin My Favorite Song For You
Better Take This Song To You Boo

Now That I Think Back Girl You Know Wats Funny
How We Used To Pass Notes And Now I Be Passin Money
And I Know That Yall Fake Cuz Baby You Are The Truths
So Turn Your Speakers Up This Next Ones For You

DJ Give Us Somethin To Ride To
My Shawty Is On Her Way Home From Work Soon
And Imma Do It Like We Did It In High School
And Send My Dedication On My Favorite Station
Girl Only You

Ay DJ, Ay DJ, Ay DJ (Play That Song For Her)
Ay DJ, Ay DJ, Ay DJ (Play That Song For Her)
Ay DJ, Ay DJ, Ay DJ (Play That Song For Her)
DJ Play That Song For Her

It Aint Nothin Like The Old Days
Listening To Them Old Days
Then While You Roller Bladin While Listening To O.J's
I Remember That Night In Prom
When They Played Our Favorite Song
In The Back Of My Jeep First Time
You Told Me You Wanted To Bum Bum Bum

Foggin up The Windows Writtin My Name In It
Now The Days Passed It Aint The Same Is It
Do You Remember That Yeah I Remember To
So Turn Your Speakers Up This Next Ones For You

DJ Give Us Somethin To Ride To
My Shawty Is On Her Way Home From Work Soon
And Imma Do It Like We Did It In High School
And Send My Dedication On My Favorite Station
Girl Only You

Ay DJ, Ay DJ, Ay DJ (Play That Song For Her)
Ay DJ, Ay DJ, Ay DJ (Play That Song For Her)
Ay DJ, Ay DJ, Ay DJ (Play That Song For Her)
DJ Play That Song For Her

Baby Im Goin On My Favorite Radio Station
Told Them I Dedicate This Song To You
So I Can Make You Feel Like You Felt In High School
Give You A Lil Somethin To Ride To

Give Give You A Lil Somethin
Give Give You A Lil Somethin
Give Give You A Lil Somethin To Ride To (X2)

DJ Play It

DJ Give Us Somethin To Ride To
My Shawty Is On Her Way Home From Work Soon
And Imma Do It Like We Did It In High School
And Send My Dedication On My Favorite Station
Girl Only You

Ay DJ, Ay DJ, Ay DJ (Play That Song For Her)
Ay DJ, Ay DJ, Ay DJ (Play That Song For Her)
Ay DJ, Ay DJ, Ay DJ (Play That Song For Her)
DJ Play That Song For Her

[taken from MuVids.com]


I Want to Blog

I wanted to blog yesterday, but I was preoccupied with uploading photos from my cellphone and laptop to my private multiply account. My poor laptop has been crawling since the virtual memory is almost full. :p I have a gazillion photos, I have to upload them so I can delete them. My photo albums aren't at all organize, and I am not happy about it. I can't wait to own my own external hard drive and also buy an additional RAM for better laptop performance. I told my mom instead of getting Christmas' and New Years' clothes like we always do, if I could trade that privilege in for RAM. She's considering it and I can almost see it happening. 

I want so badly to blog about how Sunday went, but I want to indulge in blogging, describing everything to the most minute detail so that when I read the entry again in the future, I can taste and feel the moment. :) I can't wait!!! Also I've got to put up photos on my blog entries, I can't easily do these since I have to watermark them and tweak them a bit (but most photos placed up are unedited though). Blog entries are a bit boring without photos.  

I'll blog for real tomorrow- hopefully. This entry is getting long so I better stop before it gets any longer. Haha. Anyways, research deadline this Wednesday, please pray our group will make it (flawlessly or with minor damage at least. Haha). I've got to skedaddle now to study for Math16 Pre-Midterm exam. Yes! I still call it pre-mid and not pre-lim. Haha. Deal with it! 

trying to be a good student,



A Christian girl who tries to live in a world where people are oblivious to her existence. See how she tries to substantiate her daily life and how she grows her passion in all things good and noteworthy. GOD is LOVE.

--- this is my what my "ABOUT" or info area contains in my Tumblr.  

Surprise Desktop Background! :)

To be safe, credits to: JenniElfi

Thank you Elwin for such a wonderful surprise. :) I love you! :D

He said: "Check your e-mail."

Here are the calendar desktop backgrounds he made for me, I just added in the watermarks myself so explains why it's suckish that way:

Ain't he just artistic and awesome? :) I should show you guys his the rest of his artistic works, one of these days. Well, I'll be looking forward to monthly desktops from now on. Haha. Boyfriend, I feel loved. :)

Sweet it is to be loved by you,

Elwin's an Awesome Name!

I chatted with my online friend coincidentally named Hannah too (my nickname's Hannah). I met her on BlogTV over the summer or sembreak was it? I don't remember. A remarkable girl that Hannah, a very talented artist and a strong girl. Anyways, here's just a little some some to make my boy smile. :) BTW Hannah, not only his name is awesome, he pretty much is awesome in all sense. Haha! Thanks for making my night Hannah! I bet you'll make my boyfriend's night (or dawn) as well. :) I hope you blog soon. Also, thanks for encouraging me to paint, I'll hope I'll be able to do something about that over the Christmas break. Happy Holidays Aussie Girl! Take care.



The Original Haven

So Elwin suddenly said one afternoon, "You don't really like "the misfit place" do you?". Appalled, feeling a pinch of accusation but feeling more caught with the truth, I replied, "How did you know?". He said, "Of course, I'm your boyfriend, I should know."

Maybe the sigs after blogging gave me off huh? It did seem like a fit at first, but it turns out, the misfit is just a misfit to me. Another name thrown in the bag along with the other nicks I've had huh? The long lasting one being pringles. 

My multiply's home page says "MY LITTLE HAVEN" ever since its creation. And so I've decided to change my url to http://theoriginalhaven.blogspot.com. I'm hoping I won't have to change it in the future.

The deviant share worried me a bit but I had it fixed in less than a minute. So, I'm just sort off documenting this change. Haha. Too insignificant for you? I don't care, it's my space to blog. :) 

feeling somehow relocated,