
School Hopping Adventure

So it's a lazy Saturday and I told Elwin to rest instead of coming over. I really did want to see him, but a rest is but proper after running errands for his brother, riding jeepneys on a hot Saturday. There were a couple of things I had in mind to make this day productive:
  • Try painting again - but it was cumbersome to look for my materials
  • Come up with gift ideas - but I have no "budget" to even try and consider what to get
  • Study JAVA online - my excuse is a text book is always better
  • Go biking - I have no one to go with, my sister's going out with friends

And so you see how I have all the excuses in the world. 

I thought of blogging again, since I did owe my "school hopping adventure" an entry.

After 3 years and a half of being a Carolinian, I bow down and stop trying. I know I didn't give it my best, but maybe it's just not working for me. Miss P's method is just not getting through me, well for one I'm completely againts it- which contributes to my being stubborn I guess. She gives us a serise of lessons followed by a serise of exams on lessons which are from 2 weeks to a month old. And our minds' already focused on the current lesson. My friend mentioned Ms. P. just wanted us to be flexible. I go- flexible my a*s. Even sir L. was appalled by her method of teaching and he said that shouldn't be. Even the faculty is a mess and some teachers against Miss P. I bet a lot are just waiting for her to get scrapped, although I don't see the happening anytime soon. She is so proud of the "standard" she has placed, such a one-sided thing. If you look on the other side, she should question her teaching methods. Because of her students shift, transfer school, get disqualified from proceeding, go through 5 takes on her subjecgt, or worst- stop schooling. Seriously, doesn't she stop and question her ways? 

My failure was sad, it did hurt, but I'm honestly not at all bitter as people would expect. I accept the fact that my failure was my fault as well. And I am sorry to my parents. I am however blessed that they totally understand. Turns out, USC-TC was known for terror teachers and the like, apparently, my dad went through the same thing. Unlike my dad, I transferred and made a move just a little too late. 

So school hunting began. My mom was still up for convinicng me to stay at USC, her alma matter. She wanted me so bad to finish there, but my dad couldn't care less. To him, a school is a school, and it's up to the student what to make of himself or herself. True that dad!

I checked out TESDA, considering going to USC and enrolling at TESDA as well. That didn't work out. After a very upsetting day, holding up tears- Elwin went with me, I took the USP entrance exam on the spot. I remembered eating at AA's with him, he wanted to make me feel better. But I only felt undeserving. 

Dad was rooting for USP since I'd finish their earlier. My mom and I wanted USJR-Basak. I was taken aback by their impressive and not to mention intimidating IT prospectus. Their IT students got certificates at second year and at 3rd year, each IT student would have a specialization, a field they'd focus on. 

After a few debates and arguements I chose to stay out of as much as I could- it was USJR for me. 

Just a few weeks ago I reconnected with an old pal from 5th grade- Eduard Sy, and coincidentaly, he went to USJR. So after 8 years, we met again and he was really nice and he helped me through enrollment and all. It was a tiring process but I finally got in. I had my hair dyed to black to conform with school poloicies and I was determined to make this work. I really loved the campus, the library, and the students all seemed pretty serious. I honestly felt it would be hard to fit in, but I was in it for the studies right? But there was a glitch on the whole thing- there was no designated parking area for students with service. And dad wasn't very happy about that fact and still wanted me to transfer. I've had second thoughts of the school, maybe because I was awfully lonely and the environment was all too different. My friends also wondered why I didn't go to UC considering my boyfriend went there. But UC wasn't an option in the first place, I remembered that Elwin didn't want me to go there for certain reasons, and I know it is only what is good for me that he has in mind.

I've never fallen in such a deep abyss of confusion, and I'm not even exagerating. This decision was something that would have great impact on my future. I decided to stay at USJR, but dad fought back and won my mom over through safety issue. No parking meant I'd park outside school, at Barangay Quiot. It was known as the "killing fields" back in their day. And the way to USJR involved harassed drivers and accident waiting to happen. So it was decided, I was off to UC after 1 week of being a Josenian. 

UC- I enrolled, fixed my sched and got in. They were going to have me sign a waiver, but after seeing my IQ result which reflected superior, they decided it wasn't necessary. At UC my IQ was superior - 133 I think, and at USJR it was above average - 119 I think. Odd. And I took the same exam, and they don't even show the results so I basically answered in the same condition. So anyways, in less than 2 days I was a UC student. My USJR printed scheds and my mind set to adapt the USJR environment were now futile efforts. I took a sudden drift.

  • USC: 06300855
  • USJR: 200904397-6
  • UC: 091250**

From a Josenian with a 3rd year college standing, I am now a UC-ian with a humble 1st year standing. I don't have any hard core programming subject for this sem, only web-based programming. I am anticipating Java. I have to learn it myself since my Java 1 got creditted somehow so I go straight to Java 2. I'm looking to graduate in 2012 maybe? Plus there's the big possibility of me putting off a sem or two to fly off to America. Right now I'm not giving too much thought about it since it only gets me drepressed and discouraged. 

Most of my batchmates will be throwing their hats off this March to mark the end of their college years. Congratulations to you all! It saddens me I am not able to join them, but I'm proud of those who were able to push through the hardships. I'm especially proud of my friend Theodore T. who conqured IT26 and showed how hard work can really pay off. God bless everyone. 

Each failure is another opportunity to rise higher.

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