
December 1!

Okay, so lately I've been drowning myself in music. I don't know, music and I somehow reconnected. This is probably because of my "loner moves" time. You see, I transferred school. Yes- I've been very behind with blogging because of that and because I've been too "busy" to even try. (And yes, also because I am lazy- poo!)

I'll catch up with my transferring of school adventures- yes, "adventures". There's quite a lot to tell. 

December 1- and I still haven't saved for Christmas shopping. :( I hope I'll be able to cook up something for my loved ones and closest friends. 

Today is my former humanities teacher's birthday- Sam Nervez, and my friend Crisanto's birthday as well. Happy birthday to you both! I hope you had a good one. I greeted them through Facebook- it's the most accessible. Also, I've been looking forward to today for weeks now because my friend Eduard Sy said he'll stop smoking. He said he wanted to do this for himself, and I think it's really wise of him to be doing so. I'm proud of him already. I pray God will give him strength to keep his commitment to stop smoking. 

I've also been trying to be a good student. I've been doing assignments way ahead of time, I study, go to the library, and all that. Failure just bites and I've had enough of the from San Carlos. I just pray I'll be able to keep these "good student habits". 

I'm sorry if this entry sucks. I've been trying to blog again, but I keep putting it off because it's hard for me to start off again after leaving it for so long. But as promised, I'll be sticking with this blog. I know that in the future I'll be really happy having this- reading back my past experiences, mishaps, dramas, lol moments, and the like. So until here, I hope I get back into the "blogging spirit" soon.

Happy holidays people! I hope we all have good one. 

been away for too long, I almost forgot to sign this post. Mahaha. 

I'm back,